I choose to be a provocateur for sake of salvage everywhere, not just here.
I will go around the world to tell the tale of what's in store as Wii, the people join as One to share the story that will become a renaissance when Wii have won.
Wii, the people of the world who share the dream of Oneness for the peace it brings when all agree that the world is worth what it takes to achieve peace for all to thrive and be Free. I became a poster child for censoring, shadowbanning, traffic-throttling, and outright Ghosting as I play the “Songs of Salvage” and of the ways to help solve many things. The forces that controlled the world are falling one by one, and I am watching, thinking that the game is getting fun. With this charge from seeing what could be if Wii succeed, I am fired up and hope that I am finally freed to tell the story of the World Union of Beings that share the goal of joining those in the Cosmic Community.
Wii are not alone on Earth, nor have Wii been since our recent birth. Cosmically Wii are just now reaching the point that Wii might enjoy the greeting with others besides man who share the planet and the Cosmos that come now to attend. Earth and Man are about to stand and command the respect of the World by recognizing and realizing their place in the Cosmic Clans of Beings who are dedicated to freeing other lands and giving us a chance to find the peace that’s now at hand. Can humans regain their balance and find peace again?
Wii can join in making homes and growing food to form a worldwide community with no borders regarding goods. When the tasks are shared and the rewards too, there is a way for the masses to do well and grow a homeland where the money gets wasted on wars and weapons for the domination of the people for their rightful lands. There are ways to balance out the benefits that each is due for being gifted with this life and sharing the means to eliminate strife.
Some of the plans being put in place look like there will be a race to dominate and then control, but I think the truth will lead to the tribunals that free the minds of the masses, too. There comes a time in the cycles of man when there must be a cleansing of the world for peace again. The greedy entities that make the world a living Hell must be eliminated so the rest can then live well. The One that some call God leads all to join or die alone as the world goes through a period of change like none have known. If you believe you can achieve a status alone, then you do not understand how the world is about to go. Together, we are a Union of the Beings who genuinely know how to clean the swamp from those who chose to cause the wars that grow.
How do Wii end the madness from too much wealth that causes some to think their gods and forget the planet’s health? If the leaders who are rich do the right things so the countries can soon stitch a tapestry of Peace and ways to share instead of ditching the masses and declaring them meaningless, then let them live. If not, the masses will prevail in taking down the ones from Hell who burn the forests, kill the land, and cause the genocide to withstand the pressures of the masses who are making the demands it stops. What drives those who devastate and cause death for the sake of getting rich? Those who kill for wealth and power must be punished, taken out, and then condemned and exemplified by showing the whole world as they are getting tried what happens to the evil ones who were led by greed and pride.
If the public can see the truth and the faith brought back to give our youth a chance to thrive in the years to come when the world needs help to bring us unto One great Nation under the sun. Let all be equal states to show that Wii share a world where the Beings are recognized and honored for their sentience, their spirits in a form that is not human but deserves our love and not our scorn. Stop killing all the Beings who are as sentient as humans are. Stop thinking that you must speak human to be thinking and have feelings. Stop the stupid religious view that you have the right to kill and rule as humans just because you’re cruel and can not communicate for real. See in the eyes of the sentient creatures who can think like Mii or you. Dogs, cats, or whales can do what humans do but not talk to. They think and grow their families with love and kindness. Humans need to pay attention to this and know that it’s not the animals but humans who need to grow.
Let this New Moon bring the light and share the knowledge as Wii transform at night and create tomorrow as the Sun gets bright. See the energy that pours into the world as a means to be better than you ever could imagine before these times arrived. You had a chance to be the person you can be once you love the world full of critters that share Earth below and above. Soon, the entire disclosure of the other Beings who share the planets and the moons inside this universe that care and want to see us humans join them in the Cosmic Society they share.
Are Wii ready to now go into the Cosmos as what Wii are? Or do Wii need to step up a bit and learn to live together without human killing sprees? This is why all have come from around the cosmos for the fun of the final battles that go on; some would call them Armageddon. The time is here for the Light Brigades, the humans, and the others in the shade. Few understand how grand this war will be as it happens mainly in the minds of all Humanity. Will you make it through the eye of the needles that prepare to sew a worldview to become the future for the children born today? As fertility may quickly wane due to the things that now are toxic to the future of the chance of having kids again. Soon, the few purebloods that can have children naturally and then raise them free of chemicals that cause them illness or death will want to stay away from lives that could destroy their chance to thrive.
Communities that care for these babies are still able to be born free of DNA that has been warped due to the things that man controlled and used. The time to stop the rampant abuse, the science some have come to use, and take the power from the humans who now hold the keys to God’s miracles. Transhumanism soon will show the cost to those they used to grow the beasts that are not natural, the death they cause with what they sow in the labs. Yes, now Wii know and should stop the madness before it grows. Science has gone to the edge of ethics that will cause us to question everything they do.
At what point do Wii take control of the evil that seems fast on the go? Now is the time for this, I’m sure, for the chance has come to cure the planet of this curse finally. Their chance of winning now has passed. They still seek to destroy our vestiges of freedom, but with momentum in our favor, Wii can end their deadly season. They are losing the war, and I think I see their fate. Will Wii finish our great Union, or will they somehow cause it to break?
I, for one, do not wish to give up my right to think and do the things that God has told Mii to. Thus, I now bring Wibblry to you. What seems like 21 simple words is much more if Wii can do what it implies is possible, and I swear that it is true: the chance for us to change the tide is here for Mii and you.
What can a tiny word-set do, as Wibblry is meant to show, to help change the world, including you? It will give us the words to communicate around the world, like a virus that will take the concept of communication to the level Wii equate with the other Beings in the Cosmos who will join us to celebrate. Welcome to the 5th Dimension in our growth as Man, and if you step into the level that will come, you will share the paradise that Wii form as Wii join as One with the others in the Cosmos who have been with us all along. They have watched and let us learn. They have seen the wars and turned their efforts toward helping Man clear this hurdle at the end of another round of Good and Evil battling again. This time Wii win, and the world grows into a paradise to share with the others who all know that this time that comes was long foretold. The time has come for our old friends from other planets to defend and join us as Wii live in Peace again.
It’s been a long spell with the evil in control of Earth, but the future looks much brighter as Wii frees the planet to decide our future once again. Stop the madness of the leaders who sought war and death and replace them with the Light Brigade that leads with God and heart. Join us as Wii tell the world about the plan to be the best that Wii the people can be once Wii are finally freed. Tell the story of the meek who will take control and finally be the leaders who bring heart and God to lead us to the promised land, a time and planet in our hands. Let us do what must be done and take out all evil ones. Let us join and whistleblow until no one can hide or grow the wars and death that some now sow. Take them down, the Titans who think they are the ones to rule the masses who are ready to become a part of the Cosmic Crew and travel to the stars, and Mars, too.
What Wii can do once allowed to leave the planet and go out to be the Cosmic travelers and share the love with other worlds. Thank you for taking the time to share the dreams and what I channel here. Most will think it is simply prose or poetry that tries to show the future in a simple way that some will see is valid one day. For now, it all appears as fiction telling of my strange predictions. Soon, though, all will see that others are here in our steed and fending off the evil that would like to have a Prison Planet. Instead, Wii came to turn this now into a paradise to show what can be done to join as One and thus become forever bound to fulfill God’s plan, not then, but now. I have been preparing for a lifetime and finally get to see the visions that I once had become reality.
Cartoons are just one way to say there is hope for a better day. Wii can create solutions to most of the problems you are facing. Will Wii, can Wii, some question how but I believe in miracles and have seen enough to know that it is the faith and what Wii do that makes them all happen. Think of what you can do now to share and tell the others how to be strong and resist the fear that they are using now to clear the way for them to win someday. If no one resists, they win that way.
Be the example of a healthy human being that deserves membership into the InterCosmic meme of community on a Cosmic Scale that God has made the grandest holographic program ever staged to see as the entertainment of a God who created you and Mii. Know there is a plan and you have a destiny. Be the answer for someone who needs us all to see that the love Wii have to offer is our power to set free the future to be a paradise on our planet that you see is changing without Mankind in charge of much that soon will be the future dreams and what becomes our new reality. This is Mii, near 70, amazed at what I see in the mirror and in the world that I watch with my perspicuity being better than its ever been, without glasses, I can see.
Thank God you're back!!! I was so distraught that you were. I gratefully join you, with tears in my eyes. As your words hit home with tremendous force. As the tears roll down my face, please, tell me what I can do to help. I am here.
I just watched the Facebook video on doors and windows.Still building a cabin and could use some things for my build in N E Oklahoma.