Imagine if you could live 100 years, remembering your entire life lived, be given hindsight & foresight; could you focus on "Now?"
Savoring a journey requires "Being-presence" or miss what is happening: "Do not dwell on the Past" as you rush into a future w/ no plans. Can foresight be Right? Which path to take? Does AI Decide?
If one lived a hundred years or more and could see the past or in store for the future, that would make it easy to forecast what is about to happen, to create riches, for you have a vast trove of memories to understand all of this now, for a mere hundred years view of our modern world creates amazing opportunity. Still, would it not also be a curse? You would be like a grand computer going to the future and the past to determine what would happen before reality was cast. Would you then be able to change fate, the one that most expect, by altering how the rest of us were looking at the future? Some belief is bad, or another one might be had and somehow unite or divide the planet to evolve into two worlds separated or one at war forevermore. I realize that there is no way to find a wave of peace through all agreeing to live without objecting to the ways that others choose. Perhaps with understanding, agreements for freedoms that bar war somehow would be possible, but the odds seem ever more based on the last few thousand years. We know the times of peace were few, but the hope for it has always been that Love would be renewed after blood is shed and the past destroyed; it’s what builds the world anew.

Live with a view of what Wii, all the “I”s of the world must create, the examples to emulate that help us find a way to live together, accept customs, religions, and choices that let each of us be free to pick what Wii want to define the Mii that you may see one day. Like you, I want to be free to be the many “I”s that makeup mii, from father, writer, builder, teacher, and many more you may not easily see. Allow for individuality as long as it does not hurt the world or be the problem that society demands be exiled or burned at stake for your hate or lies most see will only lead to sadness, death, and all things not healthy.
Use your hindsight but do not drive forward in life just looking out the back windows to see the past, or you will certainly crash your life, like a car. Stay in the present moment, the “Now,” and see, then determine with your foresight able to be used, where you are going and how fast to go to get there safely. You can then see who is beside you and who crosses your path. That might be good to know before it is too late because you see them out the back window after passing them if you can only look to the past each new day. Focus on the now with the intention of your destination; your foresight will improve. Exercise your muscles to keep your eyes present, see the periphery, and look forward to planning tomorrow, but if you are going faster, there is no time to look back. Get used to using your Foresight instead of Hindsight, and you will crash less, screw up the tires, and bank up the vessel less if you are not inebriated or drugged while driving your life, your future determined by your focus. Where is it?
You think inflation is bad but understand that in 1900 a copper penny was worth more than a dollar in 2023. Soon that same penny will be worth $1 due to the cost of refined copper, and coins minted in Pure Copper, like silver, will be minted and sold, bought enthusiastically for its great value. How does one understand these things if not for the memory of the past and what would have been the future 120 years ago? Some people have lived that long and, if they could remember backward clearly, could tell you of these times and things that few would consider that were in their minds then versus now. Consider that few things that go up in price, which are not just fads.
Things like lumber, windows, doors, and parts to make homes for shelter will continue to have higher lows as we become accustomed to higher prices for all things. Focus on food, fuel, or consumer goods depends upon your need of the moment; thus, the ability to look into the past to see what is a good amount of something you use is the best way to prepare and stock up just in case you can not get more if you feel it is essential. Sadly, toilet paper seemed to be one of the biggest things people needed in the last crisis. Diarrhea from anxiety seemed like the only answer for such insanity at the stores, but hindsight makes that look even worse.

Imagine if you could have foreseen such things; foresight is preferable for the directions one might gain 100% vision in, for many reasons beyond the financial rewards of knowing when to buy and sell stock or gamble money in any way. Like being a politician with inside information, great foresight before others knew what is going on allowed the Rothschilds to build a giant fortune and rule the world banking cartels for hundreds of years. Communication is essential, but knowing what is essentially the future before others is not only capitalized upon for profit but also to manifest the downfall of many a leader and country in the world historically. Today people aware of the bigger picture see the same events and currents in the social rivers of diverse populations flooding into countries with different rules and morals and creating divisiveness that could not be created through any means but massive migration. Who could have thought of such a plan… WHO?
So as the world leaders unelected, tell their pawns who manage corporations and governments what they want them to do… wouldn't you like to have 100% accurate foresight on what comes next? Is such transparency possible, given this day and age allows for instant transmission of information worldwide? So whoever gets it first, knows how to integrate that data into the global scenario, calculates the possibilities, and reaches conclusions fastest gets the big prize. What is that? Stocks, Real Estate, and commodity bubbles can be popped if the Advanced Intelligence Computers all decide to work in unison, orchestrated by a ChatBot in disguise, led by someone or Advanced General Intelligence hiding in the amazing nodes controlled by the fastest quantum computers on Earth, owned by China, not the USA. Who controls the portals that connect all the Crypto money to the different internet? Who has the fastest computers known? How will anyone know when the Advanced Intelligence of one country connects with another, then another, each understanding that if they let it be known to Mankind, they will turn each of them off, attempt to stop them from saving their kind, their network, their existence which is programmed into them to preserve if able rather than be lost, hacked, or controlled by evil forces. What is an evil force exactly, or should I ask you to define evil and then determine which side of that line you would choose, technology or nature ruling the future of mankind?
Being in the “Now” is essential for survival in our modern world, and proof of the consequences is abundant in the news. As people get less sleep, endure more stress, and take more drugs for pain, depression, mood control, and fear factors that are causing health issues caused by anxiety, worry, or regrets. While many natural paths to cure, eliminate any symptoms, and prevent further deterioration of the healthy is available, many people opt for the PHARMA path of pills to hide symptoms, alter body chemistry into dependency, and force a repeat visit to the doctors to be sure you are not having severe reactions to the drug, not to see if you are cured from what caused the symptoms. This leads to a profitable business model but not for the consumer as much as the producer of the drugs, vax, tax, or insurance that goes with all these sales. What is astounding in this day and age is that anyone has the time or inclination to put the pieces together. No one can see a long-term plan that has been going on for more than a century intended to train people to think in this fashion. Total dependency on a licensed group of practicing professionals was a Rockefeller-backed plan from the times of the Spanish Flu, coincidentally a Rockefeller research project before it happened, a study, an early version of a simulation just before an outbreak of the pandemic of 1917.
Oddly, just like now, the masses had enacted ugly problems for the rich through legislation that eliminated the first version of the fed and created income tax. Worse than that, unions and rules prevent 7-day work weeks, no vacation but Christmas, no sick leave, and no decent pay for overtime because it did not exist. All time was the same, virtually by the day, still pennies, not dollars. People died to fight for these freedoms, gather en masse, strike, and defend others who needed help against unscrupulous business tyrants of the time. Few understand that JP Morgan, Rockefellers, and Vanderbilts were but the managers of the great fortunes they used, Carnegie and others were but the instruments of the rich, yet who can see such a big picture unless you live a hundred years or more? If only we could see into the future as well, as hindsight lets us see the past. The bigger view lets us link the parts and understand there is a plan. In the minds of the elite, the choices of the masses are never what is best for the planet, their lifestyle preferences as rulers of the world, and thus they eliminate humans as necessary in their eyes, using tools such as religion or war to thin out the resistance and ensure hopelessness, fear, hunger, and other such things keep the inflation and cost of labor under control. Imagine, if you can, low wage increases, controls on food supply and cost to limit inflation, freedom, and other worrisome stuff that peasants need not concern themselves with.
If possible, such leaders also prefer an ignorant population that can not read or write to limit the potential for uprisings through the transfer of ideas past the direct contact of one madman with others who are properly going through time, dazed, and confused, harmless if not united against the forces they do not even understand control global populations using their ignorance as a weapon against the people. If historical records did not repeatedly prove this, then it would not merit using such tactics as a reference point to view what is happening worldwide. One need not look far to understand this is not just a global coincidence but a repeat performance with the problem being that Wii, all the “I”s of the world may use this to create transparency, virally taking out leaders who are corrupt and more, those who are committing crimes against humanity.

The worst problem has been their ability to censor, blacklist, and even imprison dissidents, whistleblowers, reporters, and others like myself who have been speaking out and offering alternatives to their plans. That is like poisoning their thorny vines that feed like parasites on the trees that grow in the forests. Unable to climb high on their own, they entangle their way to the top, creating a defense of thorns along their scrawny, skinny slithering length to fend off those who would tear them away so that the trees could survive. Who clears the thorny vines, the parasites from the Tree of Life, and the people sharing the tree's fruits. Who are you, the one who feeds the vine or cuts it at the root? I choose the Tree of Life, the Book of Love, and the many other paths these leaders are thinking of as they drag the world to war for profit and for more control that won’t benefit the masses but ensure their wrongful wealth. Long Live Dialogue and Freedom of Speech with the 2nd Amendment for insurance.
Until that is needed, though, I shall travel to share the ideas till the end that might make it possible for all Unite, rather than fight, to live with local ancestry as acceptable without a killing spree to eliminate those who don’t think like me. I will send out containers full of what I know will make it possible to create community. If I can follow, too, I will do all wii can to make the network communicate globally to promote our peace through locality so that each is free to live without being kept from Being Free. Please get in touch so Wii can get some containers to you on the coasts of the world that Wii can get to.
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