No matter your roots, you can leave, grow, thrive and through work, fulfil your dreams.
First you need to have a business to earn the extra money you then use the tax write-offs to keep from giving to government for massive losses, fraud, & wars using taxpayer's lives.
Start a business on the side of your day job to get ahead. You have to grow it in your backyard or garage, as so many who succeeded did, including me. Once, I started at a pet furniture company building cat toys, houses, and kitty condos, even in vets' offices, to make money while going to college. I took remnant carpets I got for free from a big dealer, minor cuts and leftovers, samples that became scratching posts. I had many jobs along the way to finally starting my own successful business one day, but few are genuinely fit for the stress that it will bring and working 80-hour weeks to succeed. Being an entrepreneur, a company on the side that becomes your life takes away your social life and party time. Most will not trade that out. Football, sports of all sorts, watching, not playing, or recreation is their choice and thus the debts and stress for the toys.
These are choices Wii can choose, and many people lose their savings to the interest they pay to play but fail the test of time: stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise lead to the diseases that take most people down. I am not trying to tell them to quit, but providing a path for those who choose a different route to youthful aging and enjoying this end more than that. I did not like being a kid growing up. I would not want to do it again. Some look back and wish they could, but my best years are here and good.
I worked at the National Linen Service during my last years in college. It was one of my thirty jobs over my first 30 years. I started young, about 13-14, picking cherries, trimming Christmas trees with a machete, and by 15, washing dishes and pans at the restaurants after school till they closed. I eventually worked my way up to cooking sandwiches, but eventually, I quit to move to Alabama for my senior year of high school. By then, my night job cleaning bars and stores on weekends after they closed and school with my weekday job at the restaurant, I was finishing my junior year into the summer when I had to walk away from it all. My mother had threatened to turn me in to the police if she caught me smoking pot. I threatened to move out, and she threatened to call my boss and have me fired. I chose to leave and spend my last year of High School, hoping to get my diploma before going off on my own. Within a day of deciding, I left with a backpack and never returned; having returned to chase off her boyfriend with a shotgun at 15 and seeing her marry a good man, my time there was done.

Once I reached Alabama, my dad let me sleep in a small travel trailer in the backyard while I went to school and worked two jobs. I was seventeen by then and had a good 10-speed that let me fly through the streets and be fit. For the first time in my childhood, I had wrought a body with muscle through calisthenics. Though the spine was damaged and still bent, I felt good. I thought I had a great year, with only one required class. Still, the school made me take a full schedule which crippled my ability to work anywhere but the General Chicken joint as a cook serving all my classmates after the sports events and social gatherings I was never able to go to due to working nights and weekends at the feed mill. Time goes fast as a kid when you are involved in School Year Book, writing, and getting published so young, but my goal was to be a writer one day when I grew up. Little did I know how long that time would be, but I am glad to finally get that time to be just that.

My best friend was the son of a man who made feed and shipped peanut hulls to other places by the semi-load. His son was my best friend, partly because I got a part-time job there, and we were the only two white boys on the crew loading the dusty peanut hulls into semis. I would have the dust in my eyes and ears, never considering what I was hacking back up from having little more than a hankerchief on my face as 50-pound burlap bags fell off the conveyor belt. I would run them to the end of the semi and stack them as high as possible, over 7’ off the floor, wall to wall. It was a great workout for me as I sought to be fit and strong after a youthful sickliness and having been bullied. I reached 185 pounds and left school with Most Likely to become Superman in the yearbook. Ha. Who would have thought I could feel like that at 70?
I finished high school in the top 5% of my class after 13 school changes to get through; I had reached my father’s goal for me, a high school diploma, so I could finally leave on my own. Four days later, with my stepmother banging and yelling on the locked bedroom door, I decided it was time to leave home with my $4 in my pocket, a small backpack, and when she went to get the pick to unlock the door in her bipolar rage, I ran through the hall into the garage, jumped on my bike, and left. She had been triggered when she learned I had a friend who was black and female. She was my classmate, not even a girlfriend in the kissing sense, but she was also poor and lived next door in a tiny house with her family, who farmed it on the back. It was next door to the subdivision where my dad had bought a house. He had suddenly sold the tiny trailer I had lived in for the downpayment, and I was in the house, which stepmother Leona did not like. It was a three-bedroom, two-bath, but her two kids deserved rooms, as I agreed, so I was gone.
What do kids who need to leave and run for peace and prosperity do? No one can thrive when they stress all day about staying alive, yet many musts, and the suffering has consequences. I could not live with my stepmother hating blacks, my father hating anyone with slanted eyes, Vietnam vet that he was, his memories of cutting down dead friends, skinned alive upside down so as not to pass out while tortured, and other ghastly sights hardened his heart and eyes. I saw much of the damage from wars that came home when I was young. I learned not to normally approach or touch my father while sleeping for fear of being hit or killed before he even realized he had reacted to your touch that way. That morning, he would not respond to my whispers or when I touched his pants. I remember dragging him out from under the Christmas tree where he had passed out from drinking too much, and Santa was about to arrive for my younger brother and sister in the morning, but finding Dad there seemed wrong. I dragged his 230 pounds across the wooden floors ten feet into the bedroom. He was so passed out that he barely grunted, and it took all I had to get him there.
Mom was passed out on the bed from her doses of prescription sleeping pills. I closed the doors before my younger brother and sister arose to see the few gifts we would get each year. This year was special because Dad was home on leave from the war. We usually got two presents each, but it seemed we could get three this year, and we were excited. I was ten by then. A young man I am, I thought to myself, as children do, and went in to check on my brother and sister to be sure they stayed quiet for a bit before going out. Dad was supposed to be awake first, so we did not get in trouble for peeking. My younger brother lost his one year after getting caught by having one of the Palladin Business cards from the belt with a toy 6-gun and holster, which we snuck into the attic to find. He could not resist at four years old, so he took a card and got caught. I felt horrible getting my present and not confessing I had been in the attic with him. Lifelong regrets are best left behind but not forgotten as lessons. We lived in LaPaz, Bolivia, in that part of my childhood for two of the surrealist years of my life.
It is essential for people to understand that the trials of our youth are there to make us when Wii grow up and become the person Wii were meant to be. The trials and challenges are what our spirit comes for, knowing this is life. Does Wii have free choice, or is destiny, our fate, indeed in the hands of God? This is the ultimate question that some will come to ask when they realize their ability to help guide and create solutions that will help mend the things that Wii have lived a life to see, learn, and finally be able to help fix if our vessels have survived well to do it as if naturally. What are Wii doing: the elders can do more than just see the problems but help manifest the answers. This
is a possible path to creating solutions with the many years you may have left to contribute to more than creating a low spot on the couch in front of a TV.
What are you doing to honor thy vessel, the gift you can offer to do the work of God who created you and gave you life to live and grow a lot of what will be the future for the others when you are gone? This is our time to realize there is more to this than the dice roll. There is a plan, and I am here to say that the future will be better once the trash is cleared. The evil will fall to the good if we all see and should help make solutions clear once the path is cleared of fear—no more attacks from the ones who need to be taken down soon. Finally, Wii, the ones that see, can also say and be free to BE! Yes, be ourselves in the world without the censors, the ways that hurt the truth, and the transparency that finally lets Whistleblowers be Heroes.
Soon, the big stuff hits the fans and tribunals with so many fans to watch and see the worst come down and be sentenced at last, if found, trust in the leaders worldwide. Can it happen, or is it dreams to think that God could come through these things that humans now could do along with the other Beings you will find exist here too? Yes, the disclosure will reveal that Wii are more than humans here. Wii, the World Union of Beings, shares the world with humans who can not see. The time has come to join the cosmic club, a society of entities the few know anything of. Will you soon see that much has been hidden and the world is now seeing? Yes!
If your time on Earth has proven, you are one of the strangely chosen to be examples and to lead so the others who will be born know there is a particular breed that will thrive and grow ingenious in the final times of need when their powers and intelligence show early as they are freed. Children come with spirits that will also solve the need for a leader who can take us to the following levels of our seed. It is crucial now to care for the genes Wii have and not lose our fertility and thus the chance to breed with the DNA filled naturally as Wii build wisdom on the way to our peak at 66-78 when we finally peak one day. If Wii passes on the genes filled with wisdom and peace instead of killing off the minds, Wii build them stronger so that when the world needs them, like these whiz kids today, they can help us in amazing ways that Wii elders can not do. Kudos to the kids, my friends, and the tagged and spectrum crew that will also bring the genius to fix this.
I am here to tell you that suicide is not the solution when life seems to be the absolute Hell on Earth few want to live in. Rather than let them take you down, become amazing through the trials and tribulations. You must have faith but also do the work, stop eating toxins and wasting hours, and do amazing things instead. Honor thy vessel for this end, at 69 and soon in my 70s, is the best and worth the effort to honor it by thanking God each day with gratitude for what comes after the hard lessons in life to get here.
Consider how many ways you can now ignite your wisdom, experience, and fate to help create a world that the kids can simulate and grow a garden that will someday be their paradise.