Organic House & lifestyle= No Imports, plastics, vinyl, or formaldehyde in homes.
People are waking up to the dangers of living in houses, places where there are invisible chemical, toxins, in foods, air, and home to be aware of and avoid. Are you sickly? Why?
No one should be sickly all the time. What does that mean in our modern world of repeated bouts of Cv feared flu, colds, and new strains of many things the news warns about to inspire them to get vaxes that seem much worse than the illness? Now, cancers grow at turbo-speed, heart problems in the young, and once healthy until they deem it time to vax. Suddenly, the people I see are getting COVID-19 regularly. Colds and flu, sickly through and through, it seems like they barely recover when their next bout comes due. What is happening to kids who suddenly fall dead? This did not happen long ago when I was just a kid. Now, instead of babes in cribs that vaxes caused them to die, SIDs have turned into a new acronym, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). What seems to be a commonality is showing its evidence as death, or it just seems like a coincidence as the statistics show that death is lowering the average age at which Americans will live.
What happened to the consequences of selling products that kill and maim the users who believe they will bring them good, not ill? What are the penalties for lies, and who will pay the price for so many who have lost their lives because of giving in to the propaganda, mandates, and requirements they get the jab to see their parents or get into hospitals to get care of any sort? What happens when the madness that required all to mask and people learn the exercise was to generate a crap of profit from the stock markets fed on all that crap? Follow the money to find the crooks who profited as they passed the laws and forced the people who chose not to obey. The evil ones punished those who spoke up to stop the jabs, the ones who sought to cure the illness, not solely to grab the giant profits offered to doctors who gave the jabs. It’s criminal, so obvious, intentional indeed, a conspiracy by many who refuse to admit or take the lead in helping fix this boldest crime against humanity.
Soon, the people will revolt when they see and feel the final jolts of 5G that will halt all activity. Did you know about the unique towers where 80 gigahertz will be reachable, the power needed to create the frequency that boils water and vaporizes all that comes to be within the path of 5G when cranked up, though none can see? Like a microwave on water and spike proteins, the activity you will see will be your last to tell as your life will soon end after an amazingly short spell. Patents show the things some know are true and better. If you want to know what's to come, it could be scary if anyone decides to use the stuff created as weapons and is in reserve in case they need to get rough. What would cause them to use the system for such powerful and dangerous consequences to all life around them if they are ever cranked up that high? If you don’t believe it exists, please try to research for a twist and learn that there is much to find if you care to see where most choose to be blind.
Happy 2025. This is the best year yet to plan to stay alive by cleaning up your act, prepping to be your best, and thriving as the world transforms quicker than most people find out. There is a lot to learn, and much will burn before the year is done as the earthquakes and volcanoes take their toll and move the stuff that will alter the world that Wii once knew and grow on if you are good enough. Who will make it through the year with the threat of more issues with wars and such stuff that before it is over, many will die, and others will suffer to escape or defy, but few will be untouched and think at the end that this year was not one of the most amazing yet? Those who survive will then come to thrive, and the opportunity to rebuild our nation with those still alive will be a boom. The time will soon come to reward those who strive to do right and be the Light for a promising future to be rewarded and prosper as they should. Let us be the examples of what could soon be if the beast is defanged and imprisoned for good. I have been searching for the younger people who will carry on the initiatives I have dedicated a life to manifest, proving it could be done. Do you exist? Can you see this calling to be the ones that make a difference in 2025 and forward?
May the Swamp draining continue, and the parasites die. Let the leaders be punished who stole and who lied. Let the future be filled with the hope and the dreams that Wii can as a people, do better than dream, Wii can build a great world to share in peace, let it be. Will you be part of the best or the worst? The transparency shows what was done and the curse it has cast on others who may need to be reimbursed. Please give them the money, not spend it on war. Pay back our nation for what has been done to the people with mandates, lost freedoms, and worse, the rights of those who stood up for us all. Wii, the “I”s that spoke up and then called for action to stop, to resist what was done. Wii, who were censored, shadowbanned, or worse, ghosted, defunded, demonetized, erased. Who pays for the fact-checkers used by FB and Twitter to drown out the voices like Mii? I was a resistor, a questioner of those who sought to get rich from the things Wii now proved were deadly and dangerous. Neither protective nor close to a cure for the flu, they created and denied, lied, and still, Fauci and their friends run free as billionaires.
No punishment has been seen. What are Wii, the people, to think of the scene where Pelosi and others made millions by trading the stock for the dictates they passed to get rich? It's sad to see through the new transparency and what the Doge will dig up in the yard for all to see. Will this lead to prosecution or a spectacle and dilution into an old memory that ends when they die? The criminals are billionaires, never to cry but to live in great luxury, perhaps paying a fine. What is wrong with the leaders of corporations that can kill and maim without going to prison to serve their punishment? Their directors need to be put down. They use the future profits to pay the fines and leave happy little campers in their Lear jets when they take leave. Stop the madness if you can, but how? That is the big question.
Will it happen? Will they be caught? Will this be forgotten due to what comes up next in the media that makes us all forget that the evil put upon us continues to this day? Savor the Dayz, dear friends, not in the haz,e, and blessings to the others in the later phase of what happens to those who succumb to the pressures of the dayz. Peer pressure and the isolation to endure forced many to accept the jab, and then they got cancer. What happens when the heart goes out, and they realize there is a way to not get into either fix if they have not agreed to be injected? It is too late to file a suit or win against the corps that had immunity. So please accept my apology for what the country did to so many.
Who will pay the healthy ones who stay away from the jabs and other things they send us? Why can’t Wii, the healthy conspiracy theorists who resisted this conspiracy by Phizer, Moderna, and many more, instead of taking them down and paying for those damaged with the wealth of those who made that happen?
Why does it have to fall on those who will survive to pay for all the illness and cancer and those who will never thrive because they have long COVID-19 and their only hope is they will die? Where is the compensation for those who were attacked and who now must shoulder those who fall and now need so much help? Who will pay the bills for parents, kids, and those who were damaged and are now dependent on their remaining family? I ask the questions knowing they have no answers for the plight that the leaders caused, and the public failed to pause and question what is right.
What will happen in the next storm of illness? I believe there will be many who will quickly now succumb to the symptoms that are much worse once their immunities are gone. Spike-proteins are not the things you want to add within, but the trend has passed global before the truth of this was seen. Now, the courts and countries are crying out in pain as the consequences are the cancers and the illness that comes again, ever worse, more often. What if you got the entire regimen of shots and boosters as some were told they had to defend themselves at every store or place demanding they join in?
Do you know you can spread your spikes through the exosomes you exhale on others? Just like the measles vaccine that makes one contagious to others who can get measles from the freshly vaccinated, significantly if their immune system is compromised by heavy sugar intake. There is so much to know, yet few read or learn of these things in trade for soap operas and fiction news instead.
Why are Wii seeing this madness come again, except that some will never learn? Thus, the rest of us pretend we aren’t doomed, without the gloom, to soon meet an early end to a life that could be healthy, natural, and full of friends. Please think twice before you buy into the latest fad for shooting up instead of putting up the effort required to make a great impression and leave an example that defends the freedoms God granted us to do what is right until the end. Stop taking away the freedom to believe and have the faith to survive the threats and fear, the stress, and suggestions in the end that make most sick because they buy into that shtick. Why not take a different path?
Thank you so much for the inspiration to do better!
I wish there were more people like you!