Placebo Effect is a power, part of many humans have to stay youthful past 70, & until they die.
Why don't Wii give up, the "I"s that want to be as strong and active for as long as Wii can possibly be? What makes us keep ticking w/ incredible energy? Staying Free by running faster than time.

Ordinary people think that aging is a predetermined path to getting weak and senile by your seventies or eighties. Poppycock, if you take the time and do the work to last a century and not lose your perk. The proof is all around us, yet so few will get a view as they limit what they see to what they already believe and do. Stop the rut-filled living and open your eyes to the many natural and affordable alternatives to growing old fast while alive. The people who escape the trap of thinking all that feasible crap are proof that nearly any sane human can reasonably do this. Why don’t more choose to age and lose than to do the work to stay youthful and purge the toxins and behaviors that have driven most into such debt and stress that they have left the fold of those who think you don’t get weak when you get old. All around the world, you see that others do not have to be so fat and lazy, senile too, simply because they ate crap and blew their health out on drugs and beer, the laziness and then the fear that caused them to take shots and pills to fend of dying from their ills.
What seems crazy is how the history of proof of their efficacy was wiped out in one century in America. The Rockefellers started the Medical Association and degrees that issue the prescriptions they created and made billions from. Now for every malady, herbs and natural ways were lost, and the evidence proves the cost. Cancer and so many things like diabetes and kidney disease are linked to the food and the lifestyles some lead, but to get them to change is like making them bleed. What do wii do with a generation that is sick with elderly diseases all across the nation before they are forty-five. By fifty, they are getting new knees, ankles, back surgery, and neck relief. The problems from obesity are finally epidemi,c but the people who are suffering are dying off, and it is epic. See the stats and wonder why? No need to guess… the proof is nigh.
What can the elders do to prove to kids that they must be true to the goals of reaching their best while young? It is far easier to preserve the vessel till you're older if you do not pollute it with toxins and damage the brain with alcohol or drugs. Then, when you get past 49, this life can really get into gear and it gets fun. Yes, the best is at the end, but the middle is for griddling by learning all you can. Training to be masterful, a Renaissance person who can do all things pretty well. Build a house and grow a garden. Fix the plumbing or electrify the world with the imagination and application of your will upon the earth. Help to form the world tomorrow while others watch and wonder how. Be the force that creates solutions and the one that inspires more. This I ask as I create an ideological solution with the means to pay for it and create a national following of independent businesses focused on the same ethos and training needed to bring down the costs of living and thriving in America. I will provide the parts to grow the communities that promote this ethos so that more will thrive and show what can happen if Wii want it to and do the work to prove it can be so. What do you do when you get older? Do you want to travel The question when homesteading is how too if you do not have the friends around to watch your nest while you fly to the farthest reaches of the Earth to see and do what you always dreamed of when you were in your youth. Community is essential to balance your dreams and share the benefits with your friends and loved ones. True?
Let me know if you want to hear or see more information on what you could do there. I want to see more Outposts where others can then grow their dreams and inspirations into the things I know will show that Salvage is a path to a salvation that will grow, saving many from the pain of not knowing what to do. Have a home and be a part of the villages and communities that start by people helping people raise the houses and the goal be to build examples of the future that I want to help to grow. Share and if you do support this poetry of thoughts that will empower so many and create the dreams to wrought into the tomorrow that will form and then more sought.
The Pure Salvage Living Outposts as Co-ops for locals to unite and create the housing, then much more, the community that fights to make life good for everyone, not just the leaders at the top. I pray that others find a path from the Hell that Blackrock and others cast upon the masses as they take the homes and raise the cost of sheltering the families who end up homeless, often lost. Please consider helping as Wii form a new path to the independence, freedom, that the right to pick and choose how your life will prosper with the family that all use an organic path and natural means to grow and teach their youth. Wii have the means, transparency, and finally know the truth. So let us practice what it takes to extend and enjoy our youth, naturally.
I never felt this good at thirty. Crazy world but full of great surprises too.
How might I acquire Trinity's number. I will surely give her a call.