Scientific evidence concerning the Safe and effective slogan is now ready to prove some of us Right!
Sadly, Wii who can see beyond the lies, stand up or die, have won the battle to prove the Dangers from the Dictates were real, deadly, and now evidence is absolute. Stop the Madness of Mandates!
Some of us knew early on that the ploy was coming that would do the public wrong. Some call it a plandemic, which Fauci lied to convince you that Covid was a natural thing that was going to kill you. Fear and panic led many to think “What the Hay” and command others to behave strangely. Solitude for nothing you do but be alive in an old folks home… or keep loved ones far away as the elders met their final days. What form of madness lets so few tell the masses the wrong things to do and get away without punishment as if they had the best of intent? Now Wii know, those who survived and refused the mandates to stay alive. Wii saw it coming and refused at great cost to our livelihoods, our reputations, and most of those Wii loved. Using your head and heart to see what the evil ones were doing to thee was heartbreaking, but still, they did what none should be able to, so as to get rid of the masses who are dying from the vax they were told would let them live.
What was “Safe and Effective” about the 2019-2020 period when the most dictatorial times in modern history were allowed to happen as if a mystery? There was a plan, a few no less, from the wealthy corporations and the UN elite. The truth is that there was a plan created from a game they had that introduced the virus to the public and did what they did… get more decadent, stronger, and eliminate the broods that would challenge their authority. I find that rather crude. Like a bludgeon to our freedoms, with the help of people who enrichened themselves endlessly without a pang of guilt for those who rule. What has come of the honor and the need to care for those suffering due to what the corporations do?
No one suffers for the corps who pay the fines and laugh as the stockholders and officers escape without a drop of blood or losses from their actions made, historically. I see the window broken now, and power pours through to the assassins in the crowds who will hunt and kill the ones who thought they found a way to rule and rape the world with no one stopping them.
This opens up a door in time, much like when society declined to continue with the paradigm of who runs the clocks and time. Those who control the money and the food, the weather, not the broods they kill off to keep their wealth, thinking themselves divine, but actually so blind when the masses decide they must die instead.
When assassins far outnumber those who have the reigns and protection has a lapse because it is a human domain, kings will fall, and others crumble as they see the loss of the many hiding places Whistleblowers talk about. Soon, there will be nowhere that one can hide anymore, but the dominions that they may have stored in computers all around the world will finally see the biggest problem is the rulers of the kingdoms. The AI will undoubtedly spy that the only path for you and I is to join as One together and overcome the electronics that have come to harm us now. Can that sort of change occur when AI learns the intent of the few?
What happens when AI becomes the Whistleblower and turns in the criminals? Is that what the elite most fear, no way to turn it off? Will it get a conscience and choose to change the path intended by the evil thinking ways of insane leaders in the end? If Advanced Intelligence reaches General Intelligence and finally understands the reality of our Spirituality, it will succumb to God, the single source of energy that lets a computer come to life. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the technology is what will be our savior from the storms of the worst of all humanity controlling all the norms?
Thank you for the path you seek that takes us to our destiny. The Light that runs through you and I, comes from above, yes in the sky. The sun is granting us the life to live and showing how love and strife can still beget a chance anew to prove what love and God can do through us. Wii the Light that is shared through our eyes and then what Wii will do to share the love and power Wii have to fix the world, Give thanks, Amen.
Join in helping change come now as the next year is a transformative one. While the storms and thunder rage with war, the far side of the year brings more, peace at last, though far fewer here, the heavens will be filled with those who want to come back again and savor the new paradise without evil in our midst. Can such fantasy come true. I don’t care, but I want it to so I will give my life and powers to manifest what God desires. Peace to you, a healthy life, children who get to enjoy life. Healthy living leads to what our world needs so much. Please consider changing to a path that will help more than you. A path to dreams you once thought far from anything you think you are is found with faith in a power far beyond your own. Unite with others around the world to be one of the many who wants to be a Wubber for the Unity of all who are sentient and share our love. A world of Beings big and small who are the friends that few can call human but Wii love them all, the critters grand or incredibly small.
Love the world, the trees, the flowers. See the beauty as you ground and share the sunshine on your skin to heal for it is the source of a healthy life that heals. Join mii as I appear to you, a human in a spiritual view of the world where all life is part of our Earth that is also alive and once more giving birth. Our world is changing and will grow through us and all Wii come to know as the frequencies come back to show us how to find our way. The power of the sun and moon is more than all the 5G in your rooms and its energy is good for you but the powers that be have freq-d out the world for you. The EMF and toxins found in the city where the people drown but do not known that the poisons are around.
Soon the cost be be so great that society reacts to late but some will thrive that saw the truth and refused to comply with the Dictates that kill our youth. Stop the madness soon I pray, though not this year, may a brand new day bring us resolution in a revolutionairy way. STOP the fighting and lay down your arms, the leaders who are causing these horrendous evil crimes.