The projections & issues that faced Tiny Texas Housing concepts in 2010 are truer now than before.
The issues preventing lower cost healthy houses that would last, sustainable, no imports, toxins, or built in obsolescence was my focus then, as a young buck trying to sell Pure Salvage Living.
I once did talks anywhere people would listen to organic living ideas I planned to develop and offer through Loopholology. This has proven to be accurate; this episode only touches on the issues that I was facing then to make this trend of building healthy tiny houses possible.
Eventually, after my only heir passed away earlier than I had planned, I mothballed the business of building Tiny Texas Houses and focused on creating Salvage, a Texas greenbelt, and a natural retreat to remediate property that had been damaged long before I bought it. It has been a success and is now ready for humans, too, but for showing and teaching what is possible through the various aspects of creating a community. I want to see us demonstrate what can be done for others to see due to the problems with the present time and the prohibitive costs for building and financing healthier, tiny or small homes. My model has been tested, proven, and shown how it works. I have proven it by living in them. But our country needs to do more, finding people to help create and populate Salvage, Texas.
This new transformation I plan for next year brings in new blood with the teams and support to help many more than I could alone. Watch the rest of the vision materialize and contribute to the 501C3 Non-profit that will step in to help many more people find healthy tiny housing soon.
Please subscribe, share, and follow to learn and then grow this concept to other towns and communities through the Outposts that act as the Co-op for locals to gather, create more houses, and learn the skills. This can lead to paths that can be a new career in painting, roofing, trimming, framing, salvaging, selling, helping with cooking in the shared kitchens, decorating, or doing the many functions of this movement. It is a chance for some to finally get this idea working in the communities that need it most. I will attempt to make some big moves to finally manifest this concept in many places during the Awakening of Homesteading in 2025! I am ready to travel the world to perpetuate the Pure Salvage Living Renaissance in the next leg of my journey on a mission that will take a lifetime to accomplish.
Please join me and expand it from what will be coming from my location and new efforts soon here in Salvage, Texas. It is located close to Austin, San Antonio, and on the path to Houston. Luckily, just far enough from all of the cities where most homesteaders still escape to live if they can find a simpler way to thrive there and support themselves, too.
The voices that come from the group are worth listening to. I like not being the only one talking and thus hearing the issues the elders and others who wanted to build using such loopholes as they spoke of having found to move this concept and proof further. I am still doing that many years later, and Loopholology is a science. Soon, I will see launch and find a way to get the word out that is not so shadowbanned and hidden now on the internet.
This was the last of 8 episodes, but I have over a thousand articles on building with salvage and salvaging what you need to develop. Please visit for more information and reading. Watch for the books I plan to publish soon once we edit all the many articles and thesis material down from the 9 million words and images on Substack readied for this next phase. I have written at length now about what I learned on this long journey to 2025 about these subjects,
I also cover others on healthy and youthful aging tips that I prove work. Some chapters and articles are on touchier subjects relevant to this industry, such as over four decades of remodeling and working on pre-1950s houses. There is also a fictional novel about Darby Lettick on the substack platform.
I have been writing on these internet platforms. Join us on the YouTube channels for Tiny Texas Houses that go back nearly 20 years on the simple subject of Salvage Mining, Salvage Building, or Salvage Hunting. Learn the Do’s & Don’t’s. Find the secrets for how to do it all safely for a healthy house in the finishing off of your dreams come true. Many others are also about staying healthy and youthful well into your 80s.