
The taxes they are proposing would break our state which will absorb the lion's share of paying for other states that are not producing but losing money every year with social programs they can not pay for themselves. At some point, you have to stop draining Texas of the income of citizens who do not support the national rush to bankruptcy. Why should we stay and pay, give up freedoms, and not have any say in defending our borders? The USA is no longer concerned with Texas and our having to take in millions of poor, sick, and helpless traumatized people, enormous drugs coming into the state, and no defense from the president, not even a visit. Why stay in the system that is exploiting us and not protecting us?

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I have been a follower for a very long time. In the past I have admired your creativity and on occasion your eloquence. But these rants you have been posting are just not cool. I am particularly disturbed by your down playing a world wide pandemic. I have to assume that you don't personally know anyone who has died. I have had more than a dozen business acquaintances die. A close friend lost most of her family - she will never be the same. A friend who was not taking this pandemic seriously, carried it to her mother and adult son. Her mother died an agonizing death.

Perhaps the large number of people who have died doesn't matter to you, but the vast majority of us do care.

As for your political slant... Libertarian? It's hard to admire a group that thinks weeding out the weak and every man for himself is okay. But what really creeps me out, is every once in awhile you are spewing QAnon crap. QAnon = fantasy land for the uneducated, conspiracy theory racists of our country.

I use to look forward to reading about what you were doing to manage your land, and the beautiful pictures of your buildings. I have always thought of you as an artist. I admired your dreams. I have hesitated unsubscribing, because I have followed and read your blog for so many years.

I realize that my thoughts don't matter to you, but having been a subscriber for so many years, I felt I should say something. Most likely you will block me. So be it.



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Oct 3, 2021Liked by Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

Pandemic was tyrannical imposed manipulated virus on the freedoms of the entire world.

Intended to arouse , fear by illness and deaths , exaggerated by power over population with evil minded agenda.

Yes we have all lost family , friends and strangers to the imposed virus.

It’s real and so sorrowful , but what the governments are doing in the facade to protect , is real too.

I grieve for all and all worldwide who have lost life from the virus and the shot .

Please, if Texas doesn’t maintain their God given fortitude born in our blood, integrity for love and freedom ........ you can only imagine.

Remember the Alamo?

Would we have our great state today?

Would we cry tears of sorrow and joy for our freedom?

Would we help our neighbor?

We we continue to cling to traditional values of goodness , love and strength in believing, hoping , and praying for a true life for our children and grandchildren?

Almighty God have mercy on us , Your people, help us to place our trust in You.

God Bless Texas, and the whole world.

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Yes, the whole world needs the blessings and the Light now!

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Cancel culture will throw away history, examples of solutions, and kill the very source of creative thinking that will help make the world a better place because those people do not think like you. The loss to the culture that cancels all things that do not fit nicely into their cognitive box is far greater than the losses of those attacked for creating a dialogue that differs with the narrative. The masses who want all to be simple, in spite of that not being the truth, are dangerous, led by demagogues, who convince them to attack the very people that defend their freedoms, their human rights, and prove what is possible when living life without fear. Why do so many hate those who create the dialogue so that reasonable answers can be found, not just the agenda of the powerful, the media, the politicians and the many who believe there is truth amongst them? I am not selling anything that I need millions to buy, not marketing to most who do not like what I have to say, but those who disregard all I say over some of what I say will be the ones who do not know about the hypoxic dangers of living in Tiny Houses and other great things helpful for those seeking lifeskills, homesteading, permaculture solutions, and how to live freely, especially with salvage. Best to all those who want to find that monosubject site to hang out at with pretty pictures and no real passion or life. Bye.

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Thank you for responding. I don't want to reply haphazardly to what you have said, so will take some time to think about what you wrote. That said, I do want to point out one thing. You have thrown a lot of judgment at me with out knowing who I am. So, if you will allow, let me introduce myself. The basics are: I am the mother of four amazing adults, that I worked hard to get through good universities. I am a business woman, since my teens. I am an environmentalist. My passions are organic permaculture farming, which I spent 5 years exploring on a piece of land in Northern California. My other passion is architecture (in another life this is what I would be doing) particularly dealing with sustainability and the reuse of materials or using soil/cob. I love designing things. I am a world traveler, and have friends on all continents. I am fascinated by statistics and research and new technology. My religion is the earth and the universe and my children :)

Things I really don't like: Money in politics. Shitty health care. Racism ( this is a big one for me). Gerrymandering. Badly designed buildings. McMansions. Fast food. Polyester.

Tailgaters. Children sent to war by rich men. Polluted water. Dirty diapers left in the sand at the beach. Licorice. Ugly bras. Corporations making decisions for how we live :(

You mentioned hate in your response.

Just because someone disagrees with you,

does not mean they hate you.



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You could fit most of what you said into the mission statement for why I spent millions to create Salvage, Texas. People who shut out entire idea complexes or examples of what their work has done due to one opinion are not necessarily who I am searching for as a writer who is simply proposing the dialogues that seem to be neglected, the logic, the facts from places other than TV but also to give through exemplification what architects schooled seem to ignore for the most part. Permaculture and people with nature, living together is not a small feat... but the word hate was for the many other unlike yourself who do actually react emotionally, not logically, though they still sever the contact over one essay, unfollow over a political statement, or a disagreement. Cancel culture is leading to narrowly focused worlds of meism.

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First, I am a-political and libertarian is a tag. I am actually not seeing much in politic on a national scale that I would identify with but stupidity in the face of facts is more amazing to me daily. When nobel prize winning doctors are ignored, when the creator of the RNA vaccine technology himself is one of the naysayers, the evidence for treatment and prophylactic measures of IVM make it sinful not to be educated on a global scale, and I am. I know personally people who have been vaxed and suffered immediately, the husband of a close friend who lost a fellow worker to death, another who lost a foot over blood clots immediately after vax. I know of others who have died from heart and physical reactions so your version of the world may not be the same as mine. I am in Texas, had covid, my partner had it, her 72 year old mother, diabetic son, and all made it through it without hospitalization but good care instead. Immediate response and I barely felt it due to a great preparation of my body in advance. The 72 yr old now has a natural response antibody count nearly double vaccines and went back to work at Walmart 3 weeks from getting it. I know people in their 90's that had it and survived, but no one that died, though within a few degrees. Still, why risk dying over a vax when surviving and thriving is better as Isreal is proving, Gibralter with 99% vax yet more bad cases from new than before. As to the political slant of wanting my freedom as a Vietnam era veteran, son of a veteran who served in war, and person sworn to protect freedom, yes, that I am. Q anything is simply a story line that makes people question the narrative which is essential to find any sort of middle ground or Truth. Depend on media you are a fool. Depend on the government to tell the truth you will not move up that ladder. So tell me how is it you believe in politicians at all and want me to as well. I do not, I have a God that leads me first and with a Truth and Faith. The writing is my life goal, at 66 I really am not writing for your pleasure but hopefully to inspire you to think, or the challenge of it to drive you back into the fold, the flock. I am fine with that. You can see this in two way, one God controls and your greatest efforts to blame people for the planet, the flu, the mismanagement of treatment and lies like Coumo has proven is not only possible, but can be convincing. So many died for bad treatments to make the expensive Res the choice over 20 cents a pill for IVM which has a great history of curing this and other things. Stop with the fear that drives people to a vax that does not stop anything as do the many other vaccines I took in life prior to this. More people have died from that vax and had bad adverse effects than any and in fact than all combined in history. Are you not aware of the facts on CDC sites, VEARS site, and Medicare statistics for those dying within 2 weeks of vax with all the symptoms that CDC had in the handouts prior to issuing the vax to the public? Please, you can never read another word of mine, but stop telling others to vax... instead of get healthy, or stop the anxiety that causes more to die went they get it, like obesity, there are clear indicators that certain people especially are susceptible to anything else piling on the list of problems they are already living with due to poor life decisions, diet, and believing TV as fact. good luck and may God bless your world. People die, just like my son, and blaming others did not help me. I hope it does you.

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