Youthfulness while aging keeps us inspired to fulfill our passions in life.
I watch so many people give up being healthy and youthful far too early. Natural aging youthfully is here & nearly free... just costs human energy. Start early.
At 69 and a late-in-life pureblood who was injected with vaccines as I traveled the world as an Army Brat. Back in the days of refrigerated versions of shots for Malaria, Yellow Fever, Mumps, Measles, diphtheria, Polio, and many more, the military moved us from one country to another. I was also a sickly child who had Mumps, Measles, Chickenpox, an infected spleen, a broken back, and scoliosis lifelong from that at 2 1/2 years old, and yet, I made it through life to finally thrive at 69. There are ways to cleanse, regenerate, rebuild your body and your mind, and even connect so well that your spiritual link is stronger to what most describe as God by one of many names.
I am here to attest that getting over trauma, sickness, injuries, and years of bad eating can happen with success in finding happiness and pain-free living once more. It has been a long journey, and as I enter my 70s, I am amazed by what is possible at this age. I had worked 80-100 hours a week for 25 years in businesses, high stress, 19+ employees, and ultimately, no time to put my bare feet on the bare ground for 15 minutes between awakening and going to sleep, or so it seemed. Time is an illusion based on your priorities. At fifty-five, my life changed, and I realized I was less than halfway through what could be possible and lived youthfully and painlessly. It took believing it to manifest it and some relatively easy workouts, but it is true: Youthing is possible without expensive treatments, plastic surgery, or massive supplements. For that matter, diet and workouts are simple, but the discipline to do it is complex and difficult to develop for some people. Please feel free to comment on what stops you from Youthing into excellent condition for your fifties through the last half century you may live.
It turns out men do not peak until 66-78 if they work a bit to care for themselves and not pickle their bodies and brains. Let me know if you, who may be reading, sharing, I hope, with others, would want to learn how to dodge the aged look in their sixties until their eighties, and the excellent health and energy that can go with it. This is the dream, but you have to face some real challenges if you got vaccines of the modern sort, some may have to detox, but this is to say, all things are possible.
I took years of listening and following some of my favorite inspirational speakers, Joe Dispenza, Greg Braden, and others who spoke of and proved that our ability to alter our genetics through our perspectives, yes, our perspicuity, could make us healthy. How we think, ground, breathe, and move is part of a magical dance with our body and spirit mixing in Earth’s paradise to create a better life for all, including us. Please know I did not believe this when I was under fifty. I am a different being in my daily life now.
It's so sad to watch the losses mounting and the pain of families losing loved ones, clearly over complications, turbo-cancers, and heart issues. This story never gets better as the consequences of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome take out athletes, world actors, travelers, and doctors who all spoke up to support the last few years of incessant vaccine updates. I hope this evidence proves that the danger outweighs the risks for many people. Not all human bodies are made equal, and some can not handle the many contaminants found in the rash of variations of mRNA or other things that were never considered vaccines by definition. Changing the meaning and ignoring the massive reported complications compared to any other vaccines ever given in the past is statistically a disastrous first few years of experimenting on humans with mRNA.
Evidence is in, and the failure of the development, dispersal, testing, and contamination has been proven to have negatively impacted millions of people’s DNA, besides their organs and nervous systems, and can cause cancer. This use of the public en masse by force for testing must end. This would not have happened if the shots had been tested and proven safe instead of such words being no more than marketing jargon. Leaders must offer a choice to the public instead of forcing people to take or even offering to give such potions that cause so much death and suffering over complications for tens of thousands of perfectly healthy people, even above the normal as athletes, doctors, and movie stars. It is possible to detox for some, but others are suffering and not getting any help or recognition of the cause, physically and financially devastated by the consequences and possibly causing emotional collapse. Recovery and getting back in the saddle, able to find your way again requires housing and a community. I have written much and hoped to get more people involved if the next couple months prove the demand for learning how to live organically through intentional communities can be possible with salvage.
Stop adding to the toxin loads associated with each additional injection and begin recovering by learning from others who are doing it. However, it is a long process or they face long-term covid that is debilitating to the point that the first man in Canada is choosing Euthanasia due to 3 vaccine shots leaving him in so much pain, agony, that death is far preferred. He has been approved to be the first to put himself down over the complications from vaccines if the internet reporting and media rumors suggest. As it is, the limitations to choosing self-termination are falling, and the trend in some places suggests it has the potential to grow. Will it be an option in America for those who want to leave if the wrong person gets elected or other dumb reasons? There are some suggesting that should grow.
Freedom to choose means getting over and giving in to what many never wanted to do. I do not wish to see new dictates forcing the public to practice unhealthy practices such as wearing filthy masks that are anything but sterile. It is the dictates by the likes of Fauci who profited beyond the imagination of ordinary people. This has become a danger to many younger people and elders it was supposed to protect. Stay free and healthy naturally; from my view, truth brings perspicuity.
Yes, I could do more and will as I try to free myself up for the decades yet ahead. I must finish getting Salvage, Texas, set up to teach others how to simplify, destress, and get youthful before they get too old to transition back to super healthy living. It does not take much time to get fit and learn to eat better as you age. It should get more manageable, and if you care for yourself properly, you can be more fit at sixty-six than you were at thirty-three. I would not have believed it if it had not happened to me. How does one give such a gift for free to show there is a path in life that can be found
by others who wish to see? If so, I will consolidate some workouts from my fifties when I started on the road to balance that I, too, must go back and repeat for my seventies now. Are you interested in upping to a paid membership and following along with a workout you can do when you want and have access to questions and consults on what might help you be free of pain or poor aging and back to living naturally?
This is the new offering as I engage the next decade focused on my publishing last, writing, and traveling while attempting to maximize staying in excellent condition for the next decade. Please take a paid subscription with a note to me and focus on the paid sub-only videos and links with special privileges by getting some workouts or lectures on the diet, secrets for strength, speed, agility, balance, and a quick mind as well as the fingers that are tapping this out at 150 words per minute. Fast twitch muscles are essential.
At 63, I was thrilled with the results of seven years of simple stretching and a change in perspective, lifestyle, and spiritual perspectives. What are you doing to change your belief systems and have faith in staying healthy and youthful into your 90s and even over 100 years old? The examples of little old stiff ladies becoming yoga instructors at 90 prove what is possible and genuinely can not be ignored except by the blind, deaf, and determined to remain in cognitive dissonance regarding the proof. Look at this example of what can happen. Though I never used facial cremes or plastic surgery, at 70, with massive sun daily, I am thrilled with my skin, tone, energy, and hair.
How about you? When I was a child, I wanted to grow up and be a writer and artist and one day travel the world to share. My Tiny Texas Houses were big, but the Earth Sculpting that created Salvage, Texas for a destination point that people have come from around the world to stay at, this is my ashram to Salvation through Salvage. I hope to set up the ten acres now shared with beavers, otters, turtles, fish, birds, goats, rabbits, armadillos, opossum, and birds, as well as frogs, foxes, and critters galore. NONE were here before this industrial wasteland, literally, with no standing water, all the contamination running into the San Marcos River, has been remediated and transformed into an example of what can be possible in the redevelopment and cultivation of the Earth with a better balanced vision.
I want to share many ways to get healthier if others want to learn. I want to offer the chance for kids to learn this in their twenties and thirties instead of waiting to get out of shape to work even harder to get back into shape. If you never get into good physical condition while under 25, it will be much harder to do so later. Please don’t give up when you are already fat and out of shape at thirty-five, for you have many decades ahead, and it is easier to be happy than in pain and misery due to your bad habits, eating, drinking, and being lazy while younger. Diabetes, cancer, ulcers, colon problems, lung issues, and liver issues are preventable if you pay attention while under 50. Please consider a path to youthful aging early rather than getting out of shape before you realize the consequences can be debilitating for the last half of your life.
Somehow, amidst the halting of stupid and unnecessary regulations, excess forced use of things for profit by the 'politicians who dictate the use of masks, vax, or other later proved useless ploys such as stick-on-the-floor footprints, shields for the cashiers, and much more that cost billions of dollars to comply with if you wanted to be in business, have a restaurant, store, or more events like church on Sundays. Visiting elders was prohibited while the shots themselves triggered deaths and Chronic COVID symptoms for millions. It was not the actual virus in the wild but the cure in a syringe that killed many who were fine before being forced or coerced into accepting a vax. Hospitals would not operate on people who refused to vax, and now, those same people have cancer that is being traced to spike proteins that came from the vax.
When does the madness end? Will it just continue once again? In some places, it has, and maybe if some do, I hope everyone remembers what the “Safe and Effective” slogan can do: It sells products well.
Savor the dayz of great change and potential amazing health, our greatest wealth. Please share and comment or email for more information and letting me know if you want to be part of a subscription worth paying for if this is the big benefit.
I have seen your website and operations on the net. Kudos. You should have a Pure Salvage Outpost there to create houses with your guests learning and leaving houses in their past that they can return to visit again one day. Bring a trailer, and let us load you up. There is a way to sell a house to an investor who gets to write it off and then lease it back to you for a BnB with no bnb tax because you will have portable buildings, the loophole in the tax law in Texas for bnb. When depreciated in ten years they can give a tax free gift to their child that will make them a small income from your rents to pay for college, again tax free cause they are kids. Check it out. It may help to grow your dream.
Good Morning,
It is 3:30. I can not sleep and my way to go back to sleep is to turn my phone up and check messages.
This time my mind choose Tony Home message that came in my email. The author always amazes me 😊
At 59 this year I am behind 11 years and It is amazing how two minds in the Universe can notice each other!
Last month I was driving by and I saw your place in Texas. It was almost night so I could not even think about coming over to say hello. Yet, there is some kind of mental connection between two human beings - similar vibrations? Perhaps!
I also bought 40 acres in west Texas - developing it to place where people can enjoy it became my passion -
While some train their health and muscles in the gym I do the same in the fresh air of Chihuahua desert and if it's worm I take the free vitamin D from the Sun.
After 10 years of developing bare land at the foothill of Van Horn Mountains I had great time giving back to society - the nature and the place.
I started small website where you can take your phone, log in to and without any yoga instructor 30 minutes yoga exercise does help you in life.
Such small positive things we do in life help offset bad events that hit us in life.
Keep up the good life balance and enjoy the good ride on planet Earth! 🌎
Ted Jec