As eggs get broken at the top, the clock ticks faster, the sense of urgency seems lost.
Soon the shaking Earth, volcanoes, and storms will awaken the masses to the reality of what is coming before the Good Times return. Eggs break, omelettes get cooked, but you need chickens.
As eggs get more challenging to find and chickens get slaughtered by the billions, what will you do for the best defense against the flu? Yes, eggs stop COVID-19 better than any food and prevent the vax from hurting people. Do you think that would be good? Amazingly, eggs help fight the flu, spike proteins, and other such things, especially when let out in the grasses they need, where they eat bugs and produce the best protein food source a human can eat naturally. Choline has high-protein efficiency (of 83%) and many beneficial cholesterol forms of nutrition for rebuilding muscles, cartilage, and, better still, the brain, heart, gut, and neural networks.
Phospholipids are one of the essential factors in maintaining the operating speeds in our head and heart as Wii age into our prime at 66-78 years old. There is a need for HDL in the brain, fats, as the parts for our optical cabling centers known as Chakras amongst many names. LDL carries them to your brain and heart. Still, they must be like ships crossing the oceans of blood with the mitochondria as batteries that carry melatonin throughout the body and brain, enabling high-speed functioning into your last years of life, more than a hundred healthy years if you understand and practice youthing techniques used in Tibet and other places for thousands of years.
Herbal medicines of Ayurveda historically predate modern medicine by Rockefellers by thousands of years, and the ability to teach how to use our placebo powers to overcome disease, along with breathing, movements, acupuncture, chiropractic, and many other practices that predate modern medicine that hinges on profits from pills, jabs, and promises of being “Safe and Effective”. However, few doctors read the fine print with each package of prescription meds and the many complications that can and are associated with taking them. Few people care to read, question, or understand the extra half million to a million dollars that their doctors make each year by injecting vaccines that have NEVER been tested and approved as safe for kids or adults.
Even Fauci has attested to that fact publicly, though that adds no validity for me. To some, his words meant science was standing behind the curtain behind him, motivating him. Regrettably, it appears that being paid far more than the president as a salary and many other paths to riches were causing a clear bias that will be prosecuted but likely not touch him before he dies or suddenly disappears to the island with Epstein, Enron’s creator, or other famous rich con men of NY City many have heard of: Madoff ring a bell? How do they conveniently disappear with a narrative that does not question how or why such cameras, evidence, and oddities get past the public eye? Media is a powerful tool that makes those who question look like fools. This I know too well. Conspiracies that speak of a different Hell that most wish they would find after leaving life on this planet.
I am fascinated by the sociology of our nation, and that subject was my secondary degree in college. I included it but focused on my literature degree as it seemed to tell the hidden truths in history that proved the psychology and sociology of the masses over time. I was focused on understanding how to deprogram those who fell into cults, as the Hari Kristna were in all airports, and parents were kidnapping their kids back and having them deprogrammed from the brainwashing techniques that were well-known science by that time.
The US Army had taught me that marijuana was the key to deprogramming someone who had been brainwashed when I was the first person arrested and punished severely to stop the use of it after Vietnam. The Army figured out that if the troops smoked that drug, they would develop a sympathy for the enemy women and children and then not be willing to kill them. Alcohol and heroin did not cause that problem, so the leaders determined that the troops were allowed to continue those addictions to anesthetize their emotional pain and internal trauma as long as they showed up to do their job and kill as told.
It taught me that the Quantum Story could become the Renaissance of the next generation as part of the pendulum’s natural swing from extremes, cycles of revolutions that lead to new ideas when the sun shines and the fields are whole once more. These dark periods of war, famine, and economic suffering will be followed by Earth letting everyone know it is time for a significant change. This global reckoning will give the local community meaning again. I Hope you are putting your money where your heart is; your home and community are more important than material things.
How do you spend your last years on Earth when you reach your 90s and beyond? Some say why. Once Youthing and having fun like a kid again, why not stick around for the best part at 66-78? I was still in my 50s when I planted this home I’ve lived in since. At 70, I hope to see mii still living here and traveling the world to return. Salvage, Texas, is now my home so that some of us can roam, others stay and teach, and many benefit from all the things that Wii have seen. Salvage the best of our past lives and the gifts from ancestors to create a better future, with health being wealth above all else, first and most and for all. Living naturally is the best way to be free of the many toxins found in cities and places wii must be to work, but then escape into the treelines again. Grounding daily, walking a few miles with greenery, seeing and loving the critters you see in nature, all those experiences help to remain youthful instead of stressed out and aging at hyperspeed. Your belief systems and bad habits will kill you faster than any other things you will face in life. Yes, your hands and mouth, your willpower to take action or to sit and waste a body for a lifetime, is entirely up to you.
Teaching permaculture and revitalization of land, houses, neighborhoods, towns, and even cities are finally coming into the narrative. Some prefer to burn down neighborhoods and areas and then apply a coincidental plan for a 15-minute city full of highrises and cameras, EMFs, and all the things that some of us don’t want. The cameras and prevalence of surveillance that denies privacy may be suitable for others, but not so much for Mii. What is the path that you think humans should take as they rebuild or fashion out new homesteads where the wildlife is killed? How do Wii reach a balance between Mother Nature and her forms of life that she so cherishes but gets wiped out by subdivision swarms? Mining, roads, and high rises with sewage and waste that flows into the rivers and the lakes to kill off the natural world.
How do Wii change the cycles by the way Wii live instead of spreading words of sympathy, yet driving in our cars, living in big houses, and trashing things as if you are not the problem that the world can’t absorb? Stop the madness of delusion, fashions, and the forms of things you do that trash the world before screaming how the world is being destroyed by the industries that feed the hungry hoards. Reduce our footprint by the way Wii builds the new world. If enough will play the game of salvage and reuse to create the best homes, Wii can be sustainable but beautiful, too. Create the House Art people live in proud as they can be for the one-of-a-kind home few have known yet could so easily be. Join Mii in this celebration of imagination and what can be free; the creations are a liberation of the need to rent or be indebted for your entire life without a home you own to see.
Transform your thinking so that more in your community can stay healthy, warm, out of the cold, and thrive as the world gets reformed. Money, food, and the way Wii live is about to change, and you can give your time and life to make it great, as the future will need more to celebrate once the hard times bring this on. Ingenuity takes a necessity and more, the time and energy that few have when times are good. This is what becomes of men who must rise to the cause and feed their families, rebuild their homes, and start once again on the road to what will keep all healthy, both our loved ones and our friends.
Necessity is the Mother of Invention, an old proverb about to be proven once more. The new cows that produce breast milk in China, along with other changes, will bring an age of food production and ways to heal, but human fertility and pureblooded people will become hard to find. This will be a strange irony as there is already a demand for blood and organs. This has gone so far as to affect the choice of who your doctors, nurses, and even pilots that have not had the Cv vax series, or any mRNA vaxes as the spike protein is a dangerous coincidence in the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome that has become a common complication globally in the vaxed community. Ironically, the shedding of spike proteins from freshly vaxed people turns into the reason for them wearing masks to protect those not vaxed from being impacted negatively rather than the reverse case being true. People with a recent measles vaccine are contagious for a few days to even a week, whereas others with compromised immune systems can catch measles from associating with vaxed people. The CDC and others have published the evidence to support these scientific and proven facts.
Please watch, learn, and listen as the research on the results of the waves of mRNA vax-mimic injections are studied for their complications, which are now well documented and being investigated. Entire countries are accusing the makers of the jabs of fraud, besides a failure to insure quality, darker intentions seem to be showing up. Share, and watch the latest doctors speak out who are finally having the censors of FB, X, YouTube, and other platforms that have hidden the facts. Please do not make the same mistake again, as they do add up.
Blessings to your dayz. Gratitude for having done this as part of the control group to prove that us older people did not need a jab to be healthy, happy, and cancer free too.
Darby Lettick
Simply put!
This is not the country we were raised upon.
Why they changed the way and method of programming and brainwashing us to facilitate fodder for their corporations. Once they needed more labour than mental aptitude, now that they have educated so many, that is impossible to pay, house, and feed these somewhat educated creatures.
We are no longer needed as we once were fifty years ago! They have dumbed down the generations create sense to be controlled and dominated without question.
All the so called new medicines are based upon profit not health.
All the autoimmune and cancers seem to be steadily creating individuals whom are not physically and mentally capable of taking care and supporting themselves or their families.
Those of us who are now in our seventies are relying on so many obsolete practices that we have become a liability to those who now dictate our lives now! I have seen where at seventy and above we still have the mental fortitude and acuity to process what we learned are normal moral deeds to survive. The major stumbling blocks, our physical strength and ability to deal with all the BS thrown at us, we are no longer able to do the lifting we once had for our health, strength, and vitality.
Our physical appearance is not longer needed by those who control our mere existence.
Those of us in their seventies and beyond are no longer able in participating with those so young. They have not been trained with the same methods and values we were taught. Younger generations are driven into methods that are not compatible with how we lived our lives. We longed for peace and prosperity in having a life worth living within.
You are simply obsolete if you have reached the majority of seventy and beyond. The culling and mass destruction is based upon an even smaller population and more controlled population.
Life is so experimental that we are at the point of needing less instead of creating more!
A paradox most of us will now never know, understand, or comprehend!!!
Keep your inter strength strong, your physical body strong, your ability to deal with this twilight zone type of as an assault upon us is not meant just for you, it is meant to despair you into a never ending struggle to battle what we would never conceivable as reality. Our strength is our resilience, not our ability to wage physical strength to secure our existence.
We are not capable of attaining what we once had!!!
“Elvis has left the building!”
I've been following your substack for a while now. I'm currently in Florida, but have lived most of the last several years in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I'm planning on returning there, if at all possible. I love your ideas and would love to build a home, but I don't own any property. I'm a very young 64 yr old female. My husband died twenty years ago, but I receive his SS. For now. I fully anticipate the USD to crash and burn. At which point SS will end. I've been trying to plan for this for many years with much success, but always end up having whatever I've gained stolen from me in one way or another. My sense of urgency and my intuition screaming at me to "get ready", is almost deafening. I feel strongly that time is short. With little savings and only a few thousand dollars a month to live on, what can I do? Where can I go? I am an artist, photographer, writer and can fix or build most anything. I'm intelligent, healthy and strong. Any suggestions?
Love, peace and freedom✌️