Simply put!

This is not the country we were raised upon.

Why they changed the way and method of programming and brainwashing us to facilitate fodder for their corporations. Once they needed more labour than mental aptitude, now that they have educated so many, that is impossible to pay, house, and feed these somewhat educated creatures.

We are no longer needed as we once were fifty years ago! They have dumbed down the generations create sense to be controlled and dominated without question.

All the so called new medicines are based upon profit not health.

All the autoimmune and cancers seem to be steadily creating individuals whom are not physically and mentally capable of taking care and supporting themselves or their families.

Those of us who are now in our seventies are relying on so many obsolete practices that we have become a liability to those who now dictate our lives now! I have seen where at seventy and above we still have the mental fortitude and acuity to process what we learned are normal moral deeds to survive. The major stumbling blocks, our physical strength and ability to deal with all the BS thrown at us, we are no longer able to do the lifting we once had for our health, strength, and vitality.

Our physical appearance is not longer needed by those who control our mere existence.

Those of us in their seventies and beyond are no longer able in participating with those so young. They have not been trained with the same methods and values we were taught. Younger generations are driven into methods that are not compatible with how we lived our lives. We longed for peace and prosperity in having a life worth living within.

You are simply obsolete if you have reached the majority of seventy and beyond. The culling and mass destruction is based upon an even smaller population and more controlled population.

Life is so experimental that we are at the point of needing less instead of creating more!

A paradox most of us will now never know, understand, or comprehend!!!

Keep your inter strength strong, your physical body strong, your ability to deal with this twilight zone type of as an assault upon us is not meant just for you, it is meant to despair you into a never ending struggle to battle what we would never conceivable as reality. Our strength is our resilience, not our ability to wage physical strength to secure our existence.

We are not capable of attaining what we once had!!!

“Elvis has left the building!”

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Elvis, thanks to the witness protection program and Nixon at the time allowed him to escape the "I" that his image had become. He then went on to work anonymously in the palace gardens and have a church to preach and sing at as he ended his days, grey-haired and bearded. This is an illusion, and most never see the borders of the screen to understand the image is sent and predetermined, for the most part, every move. There is the final battles, as scriptures say, they will be in our minds. What you believe and are free to think is the secret I guess Wii can find that lets some of us elude the fuss to escape the matrix and be free. When my run is over, I will leave a string of words that may just let the young ones see that our faith and actions are what forms the future that will be. Distraction is simply the taking away of action, grounding to touch the Earth but also sky and be the fire there inside the body that you occupy while living through this life. Learn and grow then leave and know you did your best to be the example that the others need to remember to stay free.

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I've been following your substack for a while now. I'm currently in Florida, but have lived most of the last several years in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I'm planning on returning there, if at all possible. I love your ideas and would love to build a home, but I don't own any property. I'm a very young 64 yr old female. My husband died twenty years ago, but I receive his SS. For now. I fully anticipate the USD to crash and burn. At which point SS will end. I've been trying to plan for this for many years with much success, but always end up having whatever I've gained stolen from me in one way or another. My sense of urgency and my intuition screaming at me to "get ready", is almost deafening. I feel strongly that time is short. With little savings and only a few thousand dollars a month to live on, what can I do? Where can I go? I am an artist, photographer, writer and can fix or build most anything. I'm intelligent, healthy and strong. Any suggestions?

Love, peace and freedom✌️

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Suppose you have read what I have written concerning the possible addition of a few who could share spending time and doing the chores required to be a part of a community where gardens, food production with chickens, and other ways to thrive regardless of what goes on outside the intentional community. I agree that most humans seem driven by greed and all the wrong ethos to be part of such communities, but you may find that that may also set you apart from others. Suppose you are a genuine and spiritual human who understands the idea of mixing with nature instead of killing it off and preserving examples through salvaging the best of our past. In that case, you may be a key part missing from my vision for this land I hope to leave in trust for others while I travel and long after I pass. This is my embassy, my ashram built to exemplify what is possible as Wii reach our prime at 66-78. If you reach out to Trinity, she can talk with you and find out if this would be a possible solution. It appears you have limited resources, but perhaps, like most that age, you still have life and use of your body for more than a prescription dumping ground that gets jabbed for the sake of fear. I do not expect all people to fit in nor to have much life here, but it is the value of what they can do for the kids I would like to see learn from examples I hope to see last through Salvage, Texas when my turn as a steward of these treasures is over. Are you one of those supposed to come once I built the garden? You sound like you are on the right track, and the call brings you here. That means something to Mii.

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Who is Trinity, and how may I contact her? Please advise. Thank you❤️

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My eyes actually filled with tears of joy while reading your reply. I think/feel I most definitely could be "one of those" meant to come. My fight and love for freedom runs deep. I would give my life for the freedom of a child. I dislike being in the US as I find it difficult to deal with mind controlled, dumbed down sheeple. I've been trying to wake people up for many years. Unfortunately, I feel that those that are not yet awake, will never be. It is like banging my head into a brick wall. Still, you never know! So I keep trying. But it is time to be with like minded people that I can converse with. This is why I moved to Mexico. I went to Anarchapulco the last several years. It starts in a few days, but unfortunately after being robbed in Puerto Vallarta last year and left homeless, I couldn't afford to go this year. I don't write on substack yet, (only in notes) but I want to start a series on my struggles with the Alopathic medical cartel in the US health care system. I have many stories to tell. I am thrilled to think I could be part of a community, where I might be useful. I have many talents and I know I have much to offer. How can I contact you, or what info can I give you to facilitate further communications? Thanks so much for your reply!!

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Oh, forgot to mention, a life long freedom fighter, an-cap, awake and unvaxed!

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That means you upped your odds of qualifying by many notches on that pole.

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