Yes, I could do more and will as I try to free myself up for the decades yet ahead. I must finish getting Salvage, Texas, set up to teach others how to simplify, destress, and get youthful before they get too old to transition back to super healthy living. It does not take much time to get fit and learn to eat better as you age. It should get more manageable, and if you care for yourself properly, you can be more fitting at sixty-six than you were at thirty-three. I would not have believed it if it had not happened to me. At 63, I was thrilled with the results of 6 years of simple stretching and a change in perspective, lifestyle, and spiritual perspectives.
What are you doing to change your belief systems and have faith in staying healthy and youthful into your 90s and even over 100 years old? The examples of little old stiff ladies becoming yoga instructors at 90 proves what is possible and genuinely can not be ignored except by blind, deaf, and determined to remain in cognitive dissonance141en it comes to the proof. Look at this video… for the wrinkles I should have for never having done cremes or plastic surgery; at 70, with massive sun daily, I am thrilled with my skin, tone, energy, and hair. How about you? Why not stay youthful until the day you die? There is no reason not to try and to succeed when you do the work. This is not magic, but it feels magical to be in this good shape at this age. You can do it too if you wake up to the fact that you need to be working out in your fifties to stop the aging deterioration that will follow in your sixties if you let your body get soft, fat, and lose the fast twitch muscles that keep you from falling and breaking bones. Your balance, agility, and speed are what determine your youthfullness. Take care of all of them.
I want to share many ways to get healthier if others want to learn. I want to offer the chance for kids to learn this in their twenties and thirties instead of waiting to get out of shape to work even harder to get back into shape. If you never get into good physical condition while under 25, it will be much harder to do so later.
Please don’t give up when you are already fat and out of shape at thirty-five, for you have many decades ahead, and it is easier to be happy than in pain and misery due to your bad habits, eating, drinking, and being lazy while younger. Diabetes, cancer, ulcers, colon problems, lung issues, and liver issues are primarily preventable if you pay attention while under 50. Please consider a path to youthful aging early.
Want more information? See some examples, even some workouts. Get a subscription and watch some of the YouTube videos. Maybe some people are willing to become paid subs for an exclusive three-times-a-week one-hour workout to get in shape with no more than a workout mat. In that case, I will start up a series and teach the diet, simple moves to regain balance and strength and learn to breathe ground, and youth your way back to high energy, flexibility, and a life I once thought I had lost when I was arthritic, in back pain, and only fifty-five years old but thinking I was getting old. I got fit once I changed my belief and did the simple workouts four days to later five days a week. It is amazingly easy to maintain, almost effortless with daily walks, frisbee golf, and other fun ways to get great workouts as I enter my 70s.
Having a life filled with all the benefits of youth, including making love, running, jumping, and working as hard as a 30-year-old healthy man, has been a fantastic experience I did not know was possible when I was a child. Our family all looked old and weak and needed to go into old folks h’ homes by the time they reached my age. Instead, I can kiss my knees without bending my legs, drop down to the splits, and do fingertip Chinese plank pushups with a smile and no great effort. If I were not doing it, I would say I could not do it at any past age, but now it is true. Youthing is possible.
Get in touch as a paid sub, and I will give advice and put out some workout videos you can do when you have time on a 4x6 mat on the ground at your convenience and create a better you. Remember, all cells in the human body are replaced every 7 years, so make your next version of yourself incredible. I did it and genuinely believe many more can, for I only followed in the footsteps of giants to learn how. The methods have been here for centuries, but learning about them took me over half a century to hear about it, a decade to make it part of my life, and a decade since in daily gratitude for being incredible for this age compared to my contemporaries, but better also than at any point in my life.
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