
This is for those who dream of escaping the city to retire in peaceful settings.

Here is a short tour of the opportunity for some, just a few dozen people, to have a get away, perhaps a place to live & stay for the rest of your life, without strife, an alternative healthy path.

I am giving a short tour of some of the features of Salvage, Texas, and how it might fit in the lives of artists, craftsmen, and women who want to create incredible things to look at, and even live in for life. It is a path to self-sufficiency, living in nature, writing, drawing, gardening, and caring for the critters that Wii shares the land with. From the beavers and otters, turtles, birds, fish, and abundant wildlife, it is like living in the zoo… for Mii and perhaps you, a home base to travel from knowing your pets and gardens are cared for by fellow inhabitants of an experiment in social networking that will stretch around the world. This is based on the organic living ethos that requires sustainable living practices to limit polluting natural environments as much as possible through living better.

I hope this gives some of those interested from around the world in participating in a social experiment in the form of an intentional community that is to be an example of what Salvage Living Lifestyles can do to help make human development of lands more nature-friendly, less poisons from lawns and more natural vegetation for food as nature needs it. People do not consider that they destroy the food sources for all the other creatures in the world with a green weedless lawn. Most are poison waiting to seep into the bare feet of children to be absorbed, develop into cancers, and kill them off before their average lifespans would have taken them. This madness has to stop, and this may be one way to show how to reverse the damage humans have caused to the environment. Until Wii proves it can be done, most will keep writing off the land and abandoning it instead of remediating the damage done by industry and man-not-so-kind.

Please enjoy the tour and let us know if you want to help make this trust a real thing that can make a difference by being the example for others to see, then believe it is possible. Once that mindset is in place, all things will be possible—blessings to your dayz.

For more information about how to become a Salvage Miner, hunter, or builder, or to open a Pure Salvage Outpost Co-op with materials financed at 0 interest to get you going. Please consider salvage as a career because more millionaires are made from this industry than any other without a college degree. Follow Mii and share for more. One thousand articles, books, and a thesis are awaiting you. Please subscribe and support creating alternative ways to grow intentional communities that fit into nature instead of destroying it.