Truckloads of Parts for visions, dreams, & a future that will never manifest: for sale.
How do you sell the parts and pieces of dreams that could save millions from suffering due to a lack of housing, work to pay for food, family, and health? Are they worth anything unassembled?
As I set about dismantling a dream with visions that reached around the world, I am in a quandary as to how to save the parts rather than watch them go to waste. The landfills in America are filled with the parts and pieces that could create housing for the homeless without any actual cost to our society or environment. Still, the motivation and desire to make that happen is nearly non-existent in a culture that loves luxurious, spacious rooms, wasted spaces to stuff things they do not need to hold or own but want to stash in the extra rooms in a home or the inevitable garage stuffed so full a car can not fit in.

What do I do to redistribute the parts of 300 houses in the form of windows, doors, floors, walls, roofs, and essentially the elements that make homelife, homesteads, and home ownership that give us the chance to live the American Dream? That is out of reach for millions now who are homeless or living in vans, cars, buses, and RVs instead of conventional homes. Are these nomads and homeless people lesser citizens than those who own the McMansions? Yes, they suffer many trials that their more affluent fellow citizens do not, including finding a bathroom just for necessities, let alone showers and a kitchen to cook food in.
Some families do not have a roof over their heads and do not have basic needs for their children, like nutritious food, medical care, and schooling. Will Americans awaken to the need to help those whose medical costs have forced them onto the streets to survive? Will the suicide rate of one vet per hour ever get the attention of the politicians who send all of our wealth to other countries to use for war, propaganda, and overthrowing governments our leaders do not agree with or see as weak enough to dominate and control, then take advantage of by robbing them of their resources and people being able to get ahead and prosper like those who are in the upper echelon of the modern world.
I will attempt to sell off enough materials to build some 300-500 tiny houses I had stored to feed this movement toward sustainable, healthy housing. Now, I can only hope it goes to those who will use them, but there is also a chance this will go to a fire or landfill without ever seeing the Light of my dreams and visions for them. The effort to create this opportunity for thousands of people to grow into a renaissance that could house millions without ever cutting down a tree or making a single pane of new glass. It is possible, but our government is not on board with saving the country by using our hidden resources, our amazing imagination in our society, and the entrepreneurial spirit that is being quashed.
The potential to solve many issues is limited by the lack of resources to get a small business off the ground and start more of the tiny companies that once employed most workers in the USA. The Covid-era eliminated many small businesses, and the financial services industry now has extraordinary interest rates that will steal all the profits from anyone trying to work with the OPM: Other People’s Money principles or credit card financing that once made it possible to crank up a business from scratch without bank financing. Banks do not want to loan new companies until they are in the low-risk status, usually five years into the operations.
I have tried offering micro-funding for the materials for people to get into the business of building tiny houses organically and without imports to prove it is possible. I can be profitable enough to raise a family. Still, few seem interested in creating housing for others with a high quality and lengthy lifespan instead of building cheap toxic boxes and making a giant profit on each unit. Buyers be damned, as far as most tiny house makers consider, the consequences of unhealthy houses, cancer, respiratory issues, and immune systems being compromised are not the concern of the builders. Sadly, the victims rarely even know what made them sick or gave them cancer. If they do suspect after learning what happened to their health or that of their child, they can not afford an attorney to sue the manufacturer, if they even exist anymore.
What will become of the parts and pieces, the machines, the space to build tiny homes in, to teach others how to find prosperity, a house, and a career in the Salvage industry that made more millionaires than any other industry? I will tell that tale this year and let everyone know when the bloodbath ends. My job for the remainder of 2025 will be to attempt to find homes for the materials to turn into homes for the many, but that looks bleak as no one seems to give a damn about doing anything for those on the bottom of the roller coaster of life and praying for the momentum to clear the next hurdles rather than be left to die on the streets alone. These are women who are veterans of the military who came back from war broken, and no one cares. These are boys who went to war and were damaged, like their female counterparts and commit suicide at a rate of one per hour without anyone seeming to care or do anything to break the epidemic of depression and death by choice.
Alas, the story of organic houses may continue without my contributions. I do hope it will grow into a solid trend. Still, I have reached the point of understanding the difference between people saying an idea is excellent, speaking like they will support it in some way or another, and then watching the silence and lack of action that always follows. It’s somewhat disheartening to see so many speak as if they care but do nothing, not even support those who attempt to solve the problems and offer viable solutions. Wii, the ones that try to solve the problems of society, quickly learn that the “Poverty Whore Non-profits” like the Clinton Foundation with a billion dollars given to them, and yet they spend less than 5% to help anyone but themselves get more affluent.
I have refused to become a non-profit due to the many problems with the system that relies on donations. However, the system seldom does much more than pay high salaries to executives and accomplish its purported purposes. As sickening as it is, my for-profit venture will no longer operate because I choose not to suffer the many constraints, taxes, and penalties that come with being an employer. I wanted to create an organization of entrepreneurs to reward each person based on their production, not an hourly wage. No one seems to seek that opportunity these days but prefer hourly wages. I do not understand why.
I will not force employees to vax, and I don’t feel it is fair to require others to work next to those who have and are contagious with measles covid. It does not matter these days, with the mRNA being in many pseudo-vaccines that are being put out now. Whatever vaccine they have to take. Most now are being proven to cause health problems due to the spike proteins and contamination in the production process that is leaving millions of bits of broken DNA being injected into people, causing serious complications. If I force vaccinations or allow some to get them and still work at the business while being a health threat to others, it would be irresponsible. There is no way to be a good employer if the government mandates you kill your employees or risk their lives so that I can stay in business. I refuse to comply.
Rather than conform, I shut operations down. Thus, it's true that I hurt my company and productivity, and ultimately, with the cost of insurance too high to afford, I can see no way ever to open up and have employees again. I feel like the small employer is soon to be a figment of imagination or the past. Meanwhile, big box stores like Walmart put the burden of caring for their employees on the back of the government by not giving them benefits or paying enough to live decently. They, like other giant corporations, are keeping their workers on the brink of poverty to keep them subservient and unable to stand up for decent pay or working conditions, much like Amazon or the other giant corps that are taking full advantage of the desperate workforces now afraid of losing their jobs for lack of others to replace them.
Do you have a home? When the average cost reaches half a million bucks, will you ever own one? How many people would settle for and be happy in tinier houses than the big builders are offering? What will the masses who can not afford the giant disposable low-quality homes with loans that are draconian in their requirements for insurance, the unlimited taxing authorities who are taking advantage of their citizens, and the potential for a severe economic depression ahead this year as millions more are laid off from their plush government jobs and join the millions who can not find work in America that pays enough to house and feed a family on less than two incomes from full-time jobs per household.
I have no plan for the future that will be able to bring back the Tiny Texas Houses and build homes for those who need them, teach those who want to develop houses or communities for this sort of organic lifestyle that is spiritually based naturally, and oriented toward family over business life. Few seem willing to do the work or even help create places for them to go and grow communities. The time is incorrect because of the lack of participation in a vision for a solution that would help millions. Without others to help, it is simply a dream that will not manifest. With that, I must sign off as I have much to do now to shut it all down and sell off what I can, then sadly watch the rest be burned or go to the landfills as dream houses that never made it out of the sleepy dream state. So many want them and can afford them, but I need people who are willing to do the work and build them, or the housing industry that created the shitrock boxes will continue to be the only game in the country.
I suspect the termination is the outcome ahead and will not be pretty or palatable as I watch my dreams being destroyed. I hoped this effort would help so many. I will write and tell the story of what could have been, and I hope others will consider it someday. I hope there will still be people who remember this is possible. I have proven what can be done, but it takes people's will to manifest solutions, not just one person alone. I will look forward to the unlikely time when the problem of homelessness reaches a point where the government steps in and supports solutions like the one I brought to the table and nurtured for 15 years.
Despite being censored, shadowbanned, and never monetized on the internet due to my position on these subjects of good health, the right to bear arms, and the freedom of speech. I began my climb to success with a goal to one day write books and market them around the world. Along the way I had a son and got distracted with creating the wealth and legacy to leave him when I died. He died first, so the plans have changed and it looks like my dreams were a bit deranged because I seemed to thing that others might just think the same… but I was wrong. Hard to admit at this late age, but I do not have a son to give it to, so it seems strange to simply have to dismantle it instead.
Adam wrote a song from a poem I wrote to tell the story of my efforts so they would be recorded well. Now that he is gone and I have tried to carry on, the dream that I was building for him must now soon be gone. I prayed for those who could replace the loss I had but not. No one could fill in the hole he left within my heart. I mentored others but soon found there is no loyalty left around and finally came to understand, I am the only one who really bought into my plan. “So it goes”, as Vonnegut said, with Dresden bombed and nearly all dead, in his epic book of the Slaughterhouse Five who learned what it meant to be the last alive. What happens when the story ends, the tale is done and yet, Wii hope for others to continue, for life to carry on. Sadly, those are fairy tales with wonderful endings, written by an author somehow, despite they rarely happen. God gives us dreams for the lessons Wii will learn when doomed to fail. Still, the efforts are important to show your faith in God and doing what Wii think wii can to make it better here somehow. Then one day Wii age out of the time for us to change the world that Wii live in casts us out as if deranged when Wii offer up solutions that go far outside the range of the narrative the corporations give and government contrives to keep the people in their place of malaise and fear to insure them being held down.
I joined the Army to protect as a young man, only to see it taken away by the time I aged out of the system. It's sad to see the wheels come off the cart. I dread the future of the next generation that is being stupified by poor education, introduction to drug use while adolescents, and even being forced upon them by the schools through ADHD addictive prescriptions that cause diabetes and other health problems, as well as mental issues for the kids forced into medication by bad teachers and school systems that should be teaching better instead of boring kids to tears and punishing them by drugging them daily to keep them quiet while bored in school. While I have hope in our new leadership, it appears they will not step up to help nor even consider what I have done as a viable path to creating millions of jobs, homes, and a new era in construction that is not controlled by the big corporations but by local governments that care about their people instead of getting rich and taxing all the citizens to death.
May the stories I write one day and the articles I put out to teach others this way free some of you who may not want to conform and imbue the limits of the system on the children yet to come. I pray that some will be inspired to build their homes and communities and shed the toxins, the chains that bind the body and the mind. Please share the path to doing more than what has been done.
Oh my God Brad, your writings bring me to tears. We are the same age and you lost your son. My son is now 37 and I can't imagine the magnitude of loss it takes on an individual.
I just recently subscribed and don't care about the donation. Except when you said you never received it. FYI there was an additional international charge to my credit card which I thought a bit odd knowing you so I suspect the dark web and the evil Kabal may be funneling your money. Let me know how I can send you something directly via email. I'll send one after this from
You have a goldmine there in Texas. If I were in my twenties again I would find a way to preserve your treasures. I'm not going to make recommendations for what you should do since if I knew I'd be doing it. I'd love to have a chat if you're game.
Will you continue living on your land and continue your rentals?
I would love to share your plight with some other vets up in VA and NC. I'm not a vet
Would you please give me a ballpark of what it would cost to purchase and ship a kit of stuff to central NC or south central VA?
I know about it depends but perhaps an example of one old set of materials mostly inclusive that you haven't got the heart to trash. I'm looking for a piece of land now to park my bus on and I'd much rather build from what you have.
I have torn down a 1929 house locally in my earlier years and also moved and transported and an 8x12 building I had built in 1986 from a salvaged barn. I moved it onto the trailer alone using 1" steel pipes and 2x10's so you won't think I'm blowing smoke. Nothing compares to your accomplishments but mind over money is a wonderful thing to skillset to have in my opinion. I own a home here already
Cheers my friend
Looking forward to your reply. Bob in NC