Oh my God Brad, your writings bring me to tears. We are the same age and you lost your son. My son is now 37 and I can't imagine the magnitude of loss it takes on an individual.

I just recently subscribed and don't care about the donation. Except when you said you never received it. FYI there was an additional international charge to my credit card which I thought a bit odd knowing you so I suspect the dark web and the evil Kabal may be funneling your money. Let me know how I can send you something directly via email. I'll send one after this from SESo..@gmail.com.

You have a goldmine there in Texas. If I were in my twenties again I would find a way to preserve your treasures. I'm not going to make recommendations for what you should do since if I knew I'd be doing it. I'd love to have a chat if you're game.

Will you continue living on your land and continue your rentals?

I would love to share your plight with some other vets up in VA and NC. I'm not a vet

Would you please give me a ballpark of what it would cost to purchase and ship a kit of stuff to central NC or south central VA?

I know about it depends but perhaps an example of one old set of materials mostly inclusive that you haven't got the heart to trash. I'm looking for a piece of land now to park my bus on and I'd much rather build from what you have.

I have torn down a 1929 house locally in my earlier years and also moved and transported and an 8x12 building I had built in 1986 from a salvaged barn. I moved it onto the trailer alone using 1" steel pipes and 2x10's so you won't think I'm blowing smoke. Nothing compares to your accomplishments but mind over money is a wonderful thing to skillset to have in my opinion. I own a home here already

Cheers my friend


Looking forward to your reply. Bob in NC

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