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Where does one go to find the answers to life when viewed from Hell? Heaven looks far away.

Suicide is dangerous and kills many humans who are simply searching for their purpose in life. Why were they sent into a Hell-hole to live a life full of challenges? Darby was dying to learn.

Four decades ago, I came to Texas with a dream to write and publish a few books. What once was a simple task of supposedly typing on a manual typewriter and getting published for all to read was no easy task, with publishers controlling all they put out for the public to read. Frequently, they buy an author’s works but refuse to publish and promote them to censor and control the narrative based on what the public could read or see. TV was the same, just a propaganda game that allowed the public to follow a common creed and live their lives all chasing the Great American Dream. “My Three Sons” and Beaver” helped us see what all could be if you wanted to be like the famous families. “Fonzy” came into the mindset, like others made through Hollywood, and controlled the world through their version of the “Divine.” Charlton Heston and other stars portrayed the Gods and others on the big and small screens. The planned programming had great might.

Now, the world is reachable with a video or a viral blurb. Translations into many nations' languages and forms allow an author to reach others in an hour without words that must be censored and obstructed; that’s absurd. Once again, the Web has been controlled by the UN and those in the fold of technology are run by the Gold; yes, the money still rules like in the days of old. Who are the rulers of the world that Wii don’t see who have more than the money? They have the power to decree who will get to live soon in a world they hope to free from the problem of Free Speech, Resistance, and other disgusting things that keep the wealthy from the healthy leadership they could provide. Whistleblowers are the heroes coming out in droves who will reveal all they steal from those who don’t know. Soon, tribunals will ensue as all the people, like Mii and you, join together as Wubbers to Unite the World to resist all but the truth.

This was part of a greeting card collection drawn up in the 1970s during the first drafts of the Book of Wibblry and Wub. Along the way came many paths to independence from the systems that sap all of the time and energy, as well as stressing everyone to the point that its unhealthy and leads to people hating their life, not love or the energy of suol, Wub, Chi, Qi, or Prana, many names for what Rubbles brings to Earth with the universal terms, in pre-Sumerian forms of text.

This is just a fantasy that Darby saw in a long-ago dream. A time when the world would be coming to a phase when volcanoes blow and earthquakes rage. The wars of men will dare compare to the meteor showers that hit the Earth. What will it matter if your family dies, and who is leading the country by getting rich instead? They claimed they were doing what needed to be done but profited from all the dead and what was still happening. Please stop the madness, track the profits, and take down all who dared commit these acts of such proportions they are crimes against all Men.

They must be caught and judged for all the crimes they have committed against the people of the world, a fantasy I had when I was but a child and wondered why I should live instead of suicide and checking out, but living on instead to one day write a Book of Wub that could help the world that dreads the consequences of inaction when it comes down to this end that is the battle of Good and Evil that is coming to a head. I know the winners who have come here, the Hue-Mans in the Light Brigade, who will shine and thus exemplify the rising of the Son in each of us; “Christ-Consciousness” is a path that leads to Oneness, as are other paths of peace and coexistence without greed and lies to breed. WUB is the energy with many names that build the world through the Wub-In-Body (WIB) that forms everyone who will take their place as the game goes on, and Wii creates the future so it can go on in Peace.

The struggles and challenges of life are growing for many kids who are ill-equipped to handle the stress and unable to cope with the world they are living in, which doesn't seem warm-hearted and beyond their control. Long ago in the 1960s, the turmoil of the world was apparent as the war in Vietnam raged on, taking the lives of kids drafted into a hell that many survived physically but brought home horrors, nightmares, and a public that called them Baby-Killers. My father was one of the soldiers who went to war for all the wrong reasons and came back callous to death and drinking to ease the pain of his memories that he tried to justify with the military hardness he had learned and believed possible.

War is Hell for:

The families of those veterans who paid a price that lasted for generations, and as our nations go into more wars, there will be more children traumatized who are far from the fronts of war where the children die instead. Indeed, war must stop or this future of suicide by soldiers who can not forget what they have done or seen. Suicide is dangerous to our nation and our families, for the odds of your child committing suicide at the same age you do are incredible, beyond anything normal. Soldiers, men, and women who joined as kids at 17, like me, did not understand what they were getting into, what they would never escape. Our minds are the closet Wii, the “I” others see, and the one with the voices that speak in the mirror, in the darkness, in dreams. That is the eye you see with, the one inside you that looks into the mirror and remembers what you did that no one else, but God and those on the other side of the veil get to watch.

Eventually, you decide to change and become the One that may seem strange. What happens when the time comes to take that leap of faith and act to launch upon a path that few will follow? Are you ready to follow your passions and change?

You are the one who must find a way through what may appear like Hell to meet the challenges of your life and become so much you can not yet imagine, like Mii, the man I became so many decades after being a suicidal young kid. What you are to become is far beyond what you can imagine yet, but the most challenging part of this to understand while young is that you have a contract and a path that is intended and will give you the answers you will need without committing suicide to get there. You may not be so lucky as to return. Suicide is dangerous, and this does not mean the changes that Darby went through can also happen to you. Most die on the path through what seems like Hell, and returning to believe you have a purpose in life will give you strength. The effort to keep living with a dream and a passion is more manageable than without. What gives you the power to do miracles because you can believe you will… a belief in a higher power working through you. They do! That is called our faith. For some, it is strong, others weak or none at all.

God can lead you through the dark, but you must have faith and keep going. Believe you have a purpose, a reason for going on and following your passion to create a better land. Join Mii in fighting when you are down instead of giving up and dying before your job is done. Trust that living in the belief that you have a purpose, a reason for being the best you can become so that you will be ready when your cause becomes apparent, your passions are lit, and you feel more alive than ever. Passions manifested, the feeling you will have when you see you help shape the future on a mission you were sent for but may not know it yet.

Know you have a part to play in a story that will materialize one day. You will become a part of a World Union of Beings that thrive in the faith and knowing that can only come with a Oneness that some will call Christ or Budha Consciousness or use other names for God that many use. Is our purpose in life more significant than what seems apparent to someone who has no idea what your potential is, only how they can use your life hours to their end goals rather than your own? If you have a voice within, a calling to be incredible, and you are willing to do the work and honestly give your 100% to what you believe in, then perhaps that is what you should be doing in life rather than being miserable, or worse, considering suicide instead. Get that thought out of your head and change your life before you find out you can not return from being dead.

This is just a story, a type of fantasy, that some will get to live and others will get to see. Be the best example so that others can then follow and create the waves of hope and passion it will take once Wii succeed in ridding our dear planet of the Evil Beings and Deeds that are part of the final battle, what divides us: yet Wii win. The time comes soon when WUB comes to bloom, and the internet provides the means to form a union that nobody can divide. What will happen when the masses join as one to stop the madness in the world and the ones who create this crap.

When the world joins as One to rid the planet of the evil beings who want to lead the world that way by suggesting that is a goal, you now must know: this is just a fantasy, not to be taken seriously. To get you to smile and see the humor in it all. Hug and kiss as Wii embrace the love and what can be when Wii join as one on a global scale and finally sets Man free to join as One, communicate, and get the hard work done to live the next cycle in Unity: “Get er Done!”

Over time, I have come to draw a few cartoons that are simply fantasy or something one might see if such could be that there is an Intercosmic WUB Society. Our friends are here to help, cheer us, and advise us on how to steer our people and planet from the doomed plans made by some. Wii will win, I assure you. Though the thought may seem strange, other forces far beyond the ones humans have arranged to rule the world by the truly deranged. Yes, it's true they have great weapons, but they must still deal with God. The plans are laid, and Wii will win this round, but the price will be paid, and the future will be determined by the Love on the planet and the Faith in our success once the World is United and the Beings in control that want to preserve freedoms and the future Wii can know. Wii will be free of evil for a while, as is fated, this I know thanks to the thought that Wibblry can spread like a virus and thus grow into a might force of Light that no Evil can hide from!

It was drawn up in 1973 after visions of what could come to be if the world could not find Unity. Now, in 2024, I see it now looks like the prophecy that was in store. Wibblry and WUB could be a path to our great victory, a truly stunning fantasy that could come true. Whew. What a cartoon world. Why not become a Wubber by helping spread some Wibblry and WUB around the world and find a path to freedom and a future that is good.

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