Wood from 1,500 year old trees lasts for centuries. Why not keep using it over to build anew?

So many trees that used to cover America like a giant umbrella that reached hundreds of feet up into the air to protect the critters and plants below from storms and scorching sun.

We can build sustainably without generating waste and pollution if we focus on using as many building materials from past construction as possible. Sustainable building means using as little energy and creating a minimal amount of pollution to create the parts, even the glass that takes so much heat to melt sand. Most people who calculate the energy costs of building today do not consider all the power to develop critical parts of houses. Plastics made from oil, vinyl from chemicals that outgas and cause cancer, as well as many other glues and ingredients that gradually outgas to be breathed in and absorbed straight into the blood and brain, and destroy the health and minds of the habitants, yet few link the illness to the home.

Here is a quick tour of some of the wood I will sell as I empty buildings and driveways, reducing the inventories by millions in a few short months. Can you help and make a nice chunk of change? Yes! You could make a referral fee or commission as a person who helps others save money and build a much better home. You can register with me ahead of time, then bring your friends who need materials and get paid to help grow this ethos that I have spent a lifetime working on developing to what it once was before the lumber industry passed rules in government to stop this industry. Salvage mining and building were once common in America. It is time for it to come back, for the need is great, and the government is causing the cost of housing to be more significant than most people can afford. The code requires the homes to use toxic materials to build with due to the power of corporations to dictate codes that force people to buy unhealthy products. How do we, the people, change what corporations, not those who can be jailed for such crimes, wipe out all competition by controlling building codes?

Please consider sharing ideas on how to use salvage to build sustainably, building with higher quality, though used, materials that are superior to any woods on the market today. The glass you can save and use again is thicker, handblown, and can be modified to be energy efficient. However, I firmly believe in having lots of fresh air in houses, especially tiny ones where you can become hypoxic by morning in many of them when the windows are all closed. Many cancers and health issues are being connected to the building materials that have made it onto the market without testing, as well as others like the laminates and engineered hardwood floors that are known to cause children and pets to get cancer within three years of installation. This is serious, yet California is the only state that protects the public and forces suppliers to correct it. What happens to all the kids who got cancer from the same floors installed in other states? Well, Hardwood Liquidators went bankrupt, and the people who were damaged by the cheap and hazardous flooring made in China are screwed.

Please consider using natural, non-toxic materials to build with for the sake of the children, adults, and elders who do not know and can not leave the home built for profit and not for healthy living. Stop the madness of building with products that outgas cancerous chemicals for years after being built, compounded by new paints, chemicals used to clean, and other issues with electromagnetic radiation due to AC wiring. Many problems that hurt health in new housing are now known. Still, no one is enforcing corrective measures or applying blame due to the protections afforded to corporations that ordinary people do not have. If Wii, the people, were to do what corporations get away with and only pay fines for it, Wii would go to prison for life for murder or negligent homicide. Why do they get to kill people and only pay fines or go bankrupt and sell to a bigger corporation, shedding liability like Monsanto, Dupont, or other violators of human decency? How are corporations allowed to kill people for profit?

Stop the madness and help create safe, healthy houses using salvaged materials. Help make sustainable houses from salvaged safe materials from other homes, barns, and buildings, and be a part of the solutions that Wii, the people, not the corporations, can take to change our world now.

For more information on how to start building your home from salvage materials, please subscribe to support this plan to teach others how to become an active agent in your area to get a Salvage Outpost, a co-op for the locals to use to build tiny or big houses using more salvage and play a positive role in our future. This is a viable plan I have spent decades developing, proving to be a great solution for many people. Please share, like, and help get the solutions and make a great living as a Salvage Hunter and referral agent.

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter
Tiny Texas Houses @ Salvage, Texas
How to Honor thy Vessel, put it in a sustainable Pure Salvage Living Renaissance to find success, peace, & a homestead you can live well with for a lifetime.